Empowering Women Entrepreneurs in Karamoja

3 min read

On the 19th of June, the Generating Growth Opportunities and Productivity for Women Enterprises (GROW) project was officially launched in Moroto town, taking place at Hotel Africana. The primary objective of this initiative is to facilitate the development of women entrepreneurs within the Karamoja sub-region.

Deputy Mayor of Moroto Municipality, Mary Nachap, conveyed her endorsement of the project. She underscored the significance of economic empowerment for women and urged them to uphold unity within their families, whilst highlighting the government’s steadfast dedication to their economic prosperity.

The women entrepreneurs in Karamoja are appreciative of the government’s endeavors towards their empowerment, recognizing the substantial contribution it makes to their financial stability and that of their families. Community mobilizer, Anna Namiti, expressed her praise for the GROW project, emphasising its potential to bring stability to numerous families in the region.

Notable figures such as State Minister Esther Davina Anyakun and Minister for Ethics and Integrity, Rose Lily Akello, were present at the launch. They commended the government for leading this impactful initiative. Anyakun highlighted the importance of raising awareness amongst women entrepreneurs and conveyed gratitude to the World Bank for their grant towards the GROW project.

The GROW project is slated to continue for the ensuing five years, with the intention of facilitating the transition of female-owned enterprises to the subsequent phase of the business cycle. State Minister Anyakun assured the complete commitment of the government and emphasized the importance of empowering women to contribute to the country’s vision of a modern and prosperous society.

Furthermore, Minister Akello urged the women entrepreneurs to promote peace across the sub-region and encouraged them to act as ambassadors of the project. Member of Parliament for Labwor, Jimmy Blick Ochero, acknowledged the significance of the GROW project in addressing poverty in Karamoja.

Funded by the World Bank, the GROW project represents a groundbreaking initiative aimed at empowering women entrepreneurs in the Karamoja sub-region. Comprising four key components including women’s empowerment, access to finance, enabling infrastructure, and transition program management, the project presents significant potential for the economic development of the region.

This initiative marks a pivotal moment in the economic empowerment of women in Karamoja, and it is heartening to witness the government’s commitment to nurturing the growth of women entrepreneurs. As the GROW project becomes established in the region, it is anticipated that it will bring about positive and enduring change for women and their families. With the support of the government and other stakeholders, the future appears promising for women entrepreneurs in Karamoja.