Kartik Aaryan, renowned for his captivating on-screen presence, has undergone a substantial transformation in his lifestyle in preparation for his upcoming film, “Chandu Champion.” The actor has adopted a disciplined regimen consisting of monitoring his calorie intake, maintaining regular sleep patterns, and participating in intense workout sessions. This new lifestyle has not only transformed his physical appearance but has also had a profound impact on his general well-being.
In a recent interview with Film Companion, Kartik Aaryan expressed his satisfaction with the changes he has incorporated into his daily routine. He revealed that his disciplined lifestyle, which was once unfamiliar to him, now brings him a sense of fulfillment. The 32-year-old actor stated, “I have embraced an entirely new lifestyle. This lifestyle is disciplined, involving timely sleep, consuming the right foods, working out at the gym. I believe these were things I had been avoiding in my life.”
Aaryan candidly admitted that transitioning to a healthier lifestyle was not without its challenges, particularly given his previous fondness for indulgent foods. “I have always been a food enthusiast. It was a difficult task to give up certain foods. It was like giving up everything I enjoyed eating,” he shared. Nevertheless, he stressed that the positive impact on his well-being has made the adjustment worthwhile.
One of the most significant changes Aaryan experienced was the improvement in his sleeping patterns. He acknowledged that prior to his lifestyle transformation, he struggled with insomnia and did not prioritize adequate rest. However, with his new commitment to healthy living, Aaryan now recognizes the importance of quality sleep as an integral part of his fitness journey.
Moreover, Aaryan acquired essential life skills during the filming of “Chandu Champion,” including boxing and swimming, under the guidance of filmmaker Kabir Khan. Overcoming his initial fear of deep-water swimming, Aaryan successfully embraced these new challenges, highlighting the personal growth he experienced both physically and mentally.
Dr Harish Chafle, a senior consultant at Gleneagles Hospital Parel Mumbai, emphasized the significance of lifestyle modifications in achieving overall well-being. He recommended consuming a balanced diet comprising fruits, vegetables, grains, proteins, minerals, and essential nutrients. Moreover, tracking macronutrient intake can offer individuals precise control over their diet, supporting their fitness objectives, whether it’s weight loss, muscle gain, or maintenance.
Shruti K Bhardwaj, chief dietician at Zydus Hospital Ahmedabad, added that maintaining a macronutrient balance can enhance athletic performance and promote mindful eating habits. By raising awareness of food choices and portion sizes, individuals can develop a long-term commitment to a healthy diet.
In conclusion, Kartik Aaryan’s journey towards a disciplined lifestyle serves as an inspiration for individuals striving to make positive changes in their own lives. His commitment to holistic well-being, encompassing physical fitness, nutritional balance, and mental resilience, reflects the profound impact that intentional lifestyle modifications can have on one’s overall quality of life.