Key Obstacles in Financing the Climate Transition and How to Overcome Them

2 min read

The challenge of financing the climate transition is one of the most pressing issues of our time. It is estimated that the transition will cost a staggering $125 trillion by 2050, making it essential to address three major hurdles to successfully fund this monumental shift.

One significant barrier to investment in decarbonization technologies is the green premiums associated with green technologies and products compared to fossil-fuel-based alternatives. To address this, innovative transition finance mechanisms can be utilised to de-risk net zero opportunities. Multilateral Development Banks (MDBs) and public finance can play a crucial role in blending public and private capital effectively to make decarbonization projects more viable. Additionally, buyers’ commitments can create new markets for decarbonization, while robust and credible offtake agreements are necessary to determine the commercial viability of decarbonization projects.

The massive mobilization of climate finance capital cannot be achieved without an environment for investments to be financed quickly and at scale. Governments can foster transition finance through supportive policy frameworks, tax incentives, and public funds to de-risk net zero solutions. Strategic policy action and the establishment of taxonomies are also crucial to promote the transition to a low-carbon economy.

Transition pathways provide a reliable direction for industry transformation, delivering information to market participants regarding the net zero journey’s objectives and milestones, enabling faster deployment of transition finance. Corporations and financial entities must collaborate to employ financial mechanisms for transformation, outlining their transition plans to demonstrate alignment with net-zero goals.

The World Economic Forum has partnered with the International Institute of Green Finance (IIGF) of the Central University of Finance and Economics in China to publish the Transition Finance Transformation Map, aimed at informing policy-makers, investors, and financiers, as well as corporations, about the financial instruments, reporting and planning mechanisms, and policy programmes necessary to scale climate transition finance and ensure a just and inclusive net zero transition.

In conclusion, by addressing these three key challenges, industries, policymakers, and financiers can collaboratively work towards financing a net zero future. It is clear that climate transition finance is instrumental in supporting economic activities and enterprises in high carbon-emitting sectors. With the right mechanisms in place, it is possible to overcome the obstacles to financing the ambitious climate transition and achieve a sustainable, low-carbon future.