“FDA Issues Warning to Bimbo Bakeries Over Allergen Labeling”

3 min read

The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) from the United States has recently issued a formal warning to Bimbo Bakeries USA, the company responsible for popular brands such as Sara Lee, Entenmann’s, and Thomas’, due to the mislabeling of their products with potentially dangerous allergens. It was found during inspections that the company included ingredients like sesame or tree nuts on labels even when they were not present in the foods, which is a violation of FDA regulations and is considered “misbranding.”

The formal warning letter was sent to Bimbo Bakeries USA officials at their headquarters in Horsham, Pennsylvania, emphasizing the importance of truthful and non-misleading food labels, particularly with regards to allergens. The warning was a result of inspections at Bimbo plants in Phoenix, Arizona, and Topeka, Kansas, where mislabeling was discovered in products such as Sara Lee and Brownberry breads.

It was also pointed out by the FDA that allergen labeling is not a substitute for preventing cross-contamination in factories. This is a significant issue for the estimated 33 million people in the U.S. with food allergies, who depend on accurate product labeling for their health and safety. The nonprofit organization FARE (Food Allergy Research & Education) expressed concern that the mislabeling at Bimbo Bakeries undermines the trust of consumers with allergies and restricts their choices.

Bimbo Bakeries USA, a division of the Mexico City-based food giant Bimbo, has expressed their strong commitment to protecting consumers with allergen sensitivities and is corresponding with the FDA to address the issue. The company is required to identify the steps they will take to remedy the problem or explain why their labeling does not violate FDA standards by July 8.

Following the implementation of a new law in 2022 that added sesame to the list of major allergens that must be listed on packaging, concerns over allergen labeling at Bimbo and other companies have heightened. Some companies have added small amounts of sesame to products that previously did not contain the ingredient, in an attempt to prevent cross-contamination. While this may have been done as a precaution, the FDA officials have considered it a violation of the spirit, although not the letter, of federal regulations.

It is important to mention that statements on labels indicating that a product “may contain” certain allergens could be considered truthful and not misleading, as per the FDA. This distinction will likely be a key factor in how Bimbo Bakeries USA and other companies address allergen labeling going forward.

In conclusion, the issue of allergen mislabeling in food products is a serious concern for both regulators and consumers, particularly those with food allergies. The FDA’s warning to Bimbo Bakeries USA highlights the significance of accurate and truthful food labeling, especially when it comes to allergens. Consumers with food allergies rely on these labels for their health and safety, and it is crucial for companies to maintain the highest standards in this regard.