Lifestyle Habits to Boost Inner Harmony and Self-Care Month

3 min read

Chronic stomach-churning and constant feelings of anxiety are commonplace for many individuals. During difficult times, the importance of self-care techniques becomes apparent in restoring a sense of tranquility.

The concept of self-care has become a prevalent topic of discussion in modern society. In today’s contemporary world, the significance of self-care has been greatly emphasized and promoted. Similar to the care we give to our bodies, prioritizing our mental and emotional well-being is equally important. The World Health Organisation (WHO) has designated the period from June 24 to July 24 as Self-Care Month, culminating in Self-Care Day. This selected period serves as a reminder that self-care is an ongoing, 24/7 practice necessary to navigate life’s challenges and difficult times.

“There are moments when we experience feelings of being ‘broken’ or ‘hopeless.’ These negative emotions can significantly impact our mental and physical health, draining the energy needed to carry on with the day. To live a more joyful and purposeful life, it’s crucial to acknowledge these feelings and then build emotional and mental resilience to navigate through them,” states Prakriti Poddar, Global Head of Mental Health & Wellbeing at Roundglass Living app.

“At Roundglass Living, we believe that incorporating healthy habits and wellbeing practices into your daily routine can restore your inner harmony and promote a more joyful and healthy life. Here are some simple habits and practices that can be easily integrated into your everyday life,” Prakriti shares.

Five Lifestyle Habits to Enhance Inner Peace and Self-Care:

1. Focus on Your Breath:
Managing stress through breathing exercises is paramount. “Specific breathing patterns act as a natural tranquilliser for your nervous system, halting stress in its tracks. When you’re feeling down, try the 4-7-8 breathing technique: Inhale for four seconds, hold for seven seconds, and exhale slowly while counting to eight. Repeat as necessary to feel the stress melting away.”

2. Mindfulness and Meditation:
These practices serve to clear, calm, and sharpen the mind. Numerous studies have demonstrated that regular meditation can reduce stress and anxiety, improve sleep, and are essential for self-care. For more in-depth guidance on these practices, the Roundglass Living app offers a wide array of guided meditation videos and classes suitable for both beginners and seasoned practitioners.

3. Sleep:
Adequate sleep serves as the secret weapon against stress and is crucial to feeling your best. To ensure you get enough sleep each night, consider establishing a bedtime routine that excludes screens and electronic devices. Instead, incorporate a short meditation session or listen to relaxing sleep music or stories before bed.

4. Eat Healthy:
A nutritious diet plays a significant role in maintaining a positive state of mind. Consuming foods rich in brain-boosting fats and essential nutrients such as iron and calcium is essential in restoring mental well-being while also contributing to physical health.

5. Prioritize Self-Care:
Self-care is not a luxury, but a necessity for overall wellness. Take care of yourself by eating healthily, getting enough sleep, engaging in daily exercise, taking regular breaks from work, pursuing your passions, and staying connected with loved ones. Your mind and body both deserve it.

6. Practice Gratitude:
Embracing gratitude has the power to transform your life. Acknowledging and appreciating your blessings fosters positivity and brings numerous health benefits, including a strengthened immune system.

“Therefore, make it a priority to express gratitude through your words, actions, and expressions, to broaden your awareness and accelerate personal growth,” adds Prakriti.

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