Welsh Food Research Receives Major Boost from Bezos Earth Fund

3 min read

Aberystwyth University’s research in Wales is poised to receive a substantial funding boost as part of a £30 million grant from the Bezos Earth Fund. This funding is targeted towards revolutionising global food systems to make them more environmentally friendly, as part of a larger global project led by Imperial College London.

The Bezos Centre for Sustainable Protein, which stands to benefit from this funding, is committed to developing alternative food products that are both economically and environmentally sustainable, as well as nutritious and appetizing. The centre’s research will encompass areas such as precision fermentation, cultivated meat, bioprocessing and automation, nutrition, as well as AI and machine learning.

The Bezos Earth Fund’s generous support forms part of a £100 million commitment to developing sustainable protein alternatives and expanding consumer choice, and is also part of an overarching £1 billion commitment to food transformation.

The establishment of the Bezos Centre for Sustainable Protein will involve collaboration with other institutions and industry partners to develop and commercialise new alternative protein products, providing consumers with greater options for meat and dairy substitutes.

Dr David Bryant from the Institute of Biological, Environmental & Rural Sciences (IBERS) at Aberystwyth University expressed his enthusiasm for the opportunity, describing their involvement in the new centre as “fantastic”. He emphasized the importance of sustainable food production in combatting climate change and meeting the nutritional needs of a growing global population.

Imperial College London will host the centre’s hub, while Aberystwyth University is one of three spokes in the UK. There will be an additional three spokes internationally, with over 65 partners collaborating across research, innovation, and the commercialisation of new products.

Professor Hugh Brady, president of Imperial College London, highlighted the critical nature of food security and the need to ensure that people worldwide have access to nutritious food while minimizing the impact on biodiversity and the environment.

Dr Andrew Steer, president and CEO of the Earth Fund, emphasized the urgency of rethinking food production and consumption, particularly with the projected global population of over 10 billion by 2050. He expressed confidence that the work being undertaken will lead to a greater variety of protein options that are not only nutritious and cost-effective, but also delectable.

The investment by the Bezos Earth Fund in the Bezos Centre for Sustainable Protein represents a significant step towards addressing the pressing issues of food sustainability and environmental impact. It signifies a collaborative effort between leading academic institutions and industry partners to reshape global food systems for the better.