Lawyers and Technology: Bridging the Gap

2 min read

In the present day, it has become essential for lawyers to possess a strong understanding of technology, as highlighted by Phil Lee of Digiphile, a company specializing in technology law. Dr. Kuan Hon, an experienced lawyer with a PhD in law and computer science, is actively working to bridge the gap between these two fields through her latest publication, which addresses fundamental IT and ICT concepts designed for legal practitioners and non-IT professionals involved in technology systems, contracts, and digital data.

Dr. Hon emphasizes the disparity in pace and nature between technology and the legal profession, which often results in confusion and misunderstandings, particularly in areas such as data protection. Rather than delving into specific technologies and legislation, Dr. Hon focuses on computer science concepts and essential technological topics crucial for lawyers and other professionals to comprehend.

Her book, “Technology and Security for Lawyers and Other Professionals,” strikes a balance, offering in-depth insight into various technological subjects such as hardware, software, programming, networking, and security, without overwhelming the reader with technical terminology.

Cybersecurity and data protection are central themes, reflecting the common ground between technology and the law. Drawing from her experience as counsel in Dentons Global Privacy and Cybersecurity team and as an advisor to public bodies including the ICO, Dr. Hon presents her thoughts and preferences in a manner that enhances the readability of the book.

An example of this is her discussion on authentication, where she recommends the use of hardware security keys for 2FA/MFA instead of authenticator apps on small mobile screens. Her practical insights, supported by real-world examples, make the content of the book accessible and relatable.

Due to the wide range of topics covered and the clarity of language employed, “Technology and Security for Lawyers and Other Professionals” is an invaluable resource for unraveling the complexities of technology, making it a must-have for anyone navigating the intersection between law and technology.

For those interested in benefiting from Dr. W Kuan Hon’s “Technology and Security for Lawyers and Other Professionals,” the eBook version can be obtained from eBook vendors, while the print version is available for order from Elgar’s website. With its wealth of knowledge and practical wisdom, it is highly recommended for individuals seeking to enhance their understanding of technology in the legal sphere.