From Traditional Jobs to Life on the Road: How One Couple Embarked on a Mobile Lifestyle Adventure

3 min read

Months of extensive research and unwavering dedication have culminated in Michael Cassata and Sara Cokeley converting a shuttle bus into their very own ideal mobile home. Their deliberate choice to embrace a nomadic lifestyle, as opposed to the traditional 9-to-5 routine, has not only afforded them the liberty to explore and travel but has also enabled them to live without the ongoing financial burdens associated with conventional housing. Ultimately, this decision has brought them profound personal contentment and a wealth of enriching experiences.

The genesis of their ambitious project can be traced back to their impending relocation from Orlando, Florida, to the Pacific Northwest. Confronted with the option of leasing a customary apartment or retrofitting a shuttle bus into a mobile abode, the couple concluded that the latter presented more enduring advantages. Not only would it grant them the freedom to traverse the country, but it also appealed to their desire to own a vehicle outright, prompting their pursuit of this unconventional way of life.

By investing in and transforming the bus into a mobile dwelling, Michael and Sara have been able to traverse a myriad of picturesque locales, from the abodes of friends to remote woodlands, all while enjoying the comforts and amenities of a fully equipped living space. The compact design of the bus encompasses a kitchen and a fully functional shower system, affording them the experience of “glamping,” or glamorous camping. Michael’s prior experience in refurbishing a van during the pandemic with his sibling further fueled his enthusiasm for this shuttle bus endeavor.

The couple’s venture commenced with the arduous quest for the perfect bus, encountering multiple hurdles such as buses with significant mechanical faults or those that were non-operational. Nonetheless, their persistence bore fruit when they stumbled upon a listing on eBay in the early hours of the morning. A bus situated in Atlanta, Georgia, captured Michael’s attention, prompting them to swiftly make an offer and subsequently journey to Atlanta to finalize the transaction and drive the bus back to their abode.

The renovation process, though gratifying, was not without its challenges. Michael and Sara invested approximately $16,000 in revamping the bus into a comfortable and fully functional living space. Despite Michael’s background and learned expertise from his carpenter father, the bus’s curved construction and the installation of the electrical system presented significant challenges. The most significant expense stemmed from the electrical setup, amounting to around $5,000, with additional costs incurred for sustainable energy solutions such as solar panels.

Transitioning to a mobile lifestyle necessitated a shift in their income sources. Formerly employed in the hospitality sector at Disney World, Michael and Sara opted to relinquish their stable employment to pursue their passions. Sara now markets her handmade earrings at various farmers’ markets and online, while Michael has taken on work as a wedding DJ, acknowledging that their combined earnings have decreased. Despite the trials presented by life on the road, the couple underscores that embracing this lifestyle has been profoundly rewarding.

A testament to the boundless opportunities that manifest when one ventures beyond conventional norms, Michael and Sara have shared their journey to provide invaluable insights and inspiration to those contemplating a similar path. They also dispense practical advice to aspiring bus renovators, accentuating the significance of comprehensive research, meticulous planning, and financial preparations for the challenges of maintaining a mobile lifestyle.

Ultimately, their narrative serves as a compelling reminder that, with passion and perseverance, a dream lifestyle is attainable for those willing to confront the challenges and reap the rewards of a nomadic existence.