The Future of Beef Farming: Challenges and Opportunities for Farmers

3 min read

Today, on the 26th of June, farmers from around the country are convening at Teagasc Grange for the BEEF2024 Open Day. The event has the primary objective of illuminating the numerous challenges and prospects currently confronting the beef farming sector. Two esteemed speakers at the open day, Pearse Kelly and Dr Paul Crosson, emphasized three critical areas of focus: farm income, family lifestyle, and the environment.

Kelly underscored the paramount importance of enhancing farm income, affirming that it is imperative for farmers to receive a substantial return for their diligent efforts on their farms. He articulated that the choice of production system, animal health, production costs, stocking rate, liveweight gain, and fertility are the primary determinants influencing farm income, contingent upon whether the farm operates a suckler or dairy calf to beef system.

In the realm of environmental sustainability, Crosson underscored the urgency to intensify attention on factors such as the carbon footprint of the product, water quality, biodiversity, Bord Bia QA schemes, environmentally focused agricultural schemes, and weather extremes. He underscored the significance of environmental sustainability not only for the present, but also for the future, particularly in terms of bequeathing a sustainable farm to future generations.

Kelly also addressed the issue of family lifestyle, acknowledging that a substantial number of farmers engage in off-farm work, posing a challenge in terms of striking a balance between work and family life. He observed that with over 50% of farms reliant on off-farm employment, it is crucial to strike a balance between the demands of off-farm work and the requirements of the beef farming operation. Labour availability on the farm was also identified as an emerging concern, especially during peak periods of the year or when specific tasks need to be executed.

Crosson further underscored the mounting consumer demand for enhanced environmental sustainability in food systems. Consequently, this is translating into environmental legislation and agri-environment schemes, underscoring the surging significance of sustainability in the perspectives of consumers and regulators.

The presentations from Kelly and Crosson at the BEEF2024 Open Day are available for viewing in a video format, and comprehensive information from the event, including papers, videos, and boards, will be conveniently accessible online.

The BEEF2024 Open Day functions as a pivotal platform for farmers to glean insights into the current state of the beef farming sector, as well as the measures that can be undertaken to tackle the challenges and capitalize on the opportunities at hand. It is imperative for farmers to remain apprised of the latest developments in the industry in order to adapt and flourish in an ever-evolving agricultural landscape.