Why TikTok Fitness Trends Might be Risky for Your Health

3 min read

A recent study has revealed that only a small percentage of fitness influencers on TikTok actually possess relevant qualifications or credentials, which makes it challenging to discern which fitness advice is worth following. In light of this, Live Football Tickets conducted a study to determine which TikTok fitness trends could potentially jeopardise one’s health, as well as how to discern safe advice amidst the deluge of social media content. Partnering with fitness coach Donna Callander, expert insights were provided on popular fitness trends, along with guidance for those contemplating embarking on a new fitness regimen.

Below are five TikTok fitness trends that could pose health risks:

1. The 75 Hard Challenge
The 75 Hard Challenge has become immensely popular on TikTok, accumulating over two billion views under the #75HardChallenge hashtag. This challenge involves following a strict nutrition plan tailored to individual goals, abstaining from alcohol and cheat meals, completing two 45-minute workouts, drinking a gallon of water daily, and reading 10 pages of a book. While this challenge may instil positive habits for mental and physical health, it is crucial to ensure that diet and exercise plans are personalised to individual needs to safeguard its effectiveness and safety.

2. 30-day Gallon Water Challenge
This TikTok health trend advocates drinking a gallon (4.5 litres) of water daily for 30 days. Although purported benefits include reduced bloating, improved skin, and increased energy levels, the safety of consuming such high quantities of water should be carefully considered. Excessive water intake without proper balance could lead to hyperhydration, triggering cloudy thinking, nausea, muscle weakness, and headaches.

3. Dry Scooping Pre-Workout Powder
Dry scooping pre-workout powder has gained popularity on TikTok, with over 8 million views. However, the risks of dry scooping include choking, breathing difficulty, and adverse reactions due to excessive caffeine intake. This practice is often pursued for social media recognition rather than genuine benefits to the general public.

4. Fasting Challenges
Many fasting challenges on TikTok revolve around intermittent fasting, which is claimed to offer various health benefits. Nevertheless, participating in fasting challenges without professional guidance can deprive the body of essential nutrients. It is essential to consult a doctor or nutritionist before embarking on any fasting challenge, as individual nutritional needs vary.

5. Apple Cider Vinegar Trend
Trending as a weight loss aid, apple cider vinegar has been thwarted by multiple reports for its lack of actual benefits and potential health hazards. Regular consumption of highly acidic apple cider vinegar can lead to throat irritation and damage. Claims of appetite reduction due to the production of a fuller feeling should be approached with caution, as the evidence supporting these claims is scarce.

Donna Callander, Director of Offbeat Marketing Ltd and Fitness Coach, stresses the importance of approaching social media fitness trends with caution, highlighting the persuasive nature of influencers and the necessity to consult medical professionals before adopting new fitness challenges or diets. She also advises vigilance when evaluating AI-driven adverts, stressing that the results depicted in these ads may not be realistic and could be misleading.

In conclusion, the allure of TikTok fitness trends should be approached with a discerning eye, and individuals are encouraged to seek professional guidance before adopting any fitness regimen or diet. By exercising caution and prioritising personal health and safety, the potential pitfalls of trending fitness challenges can be mitigated.