Foxconn Recognizes National Sun Yat-sen University Student for Anti-Hacking Technology

2 min read

National Sun Yat-sen University (NSYSU) Ph.D. student Lin Kuo-chun has been honoured by Foxconn with the Hon Hai Technology Award for his exceptional work on iris anti-hacking technology. The award was presented to him on June 14 in recognition of his significant contribution to the field.

In a press release by NSYSU, Lin highlighted the superior security features of biometric technology compared to traditional password systems. He emphasised that biometric recognition, particularly iris recognition, offers greater security as it is unique and highly resistant to replication. Lin also pointed out that storing biometric codes in databases for comparison, a practice common in biometric recognition technology, poses security risks. He raised concerns about potential hacks using error correction code attacks, for which no effective solutions had been proposed.

Under the guidance of his advisor, Professor Chen Yen-ming, Lin dedicated his research efforts to developing iris-based biometric password systems. His work has resulted in a significant increase in security bits, enhancing the security factor by up to a hundredfold. He further explained that in ideal environments, the security factor could exceed a thousandfold, effectively preventing error correction attacks.

Professor Chen commended Lin for his groundbreaking research in the field of information security. He praised the impact of Lin’s work on biometric identification and information security, acknowledging the substantial contributions he has made.

Lin’s research has been recognised with the award of two patents and publications in two prestigious journals, including the IEEE Transactions on Dependable and Secure Computing.

This recognition from Foxconn serves as a testament to Lin Kuo-chun’s exemplary dedication and innovative contributions to the advancement of technology. Through his research, he has not only addressed critical security concerns but has also significantly enhanced the effectiveness of biometric identification systems.

As we continue to witness the growing prevalence of cyber threats, the significance of Lin’s work cannot be understated. His commitment to improving information security through cutting-edge technology is commendable and aligns with the ongoing efforts to mitigate cybersecurity risks in an increasingly digital world.