Innovative Collaboration Between MOA Technology and Nufarm

A recent partnership has been established between Moa Technology, an agricultural biotechnology company, and Nufarm, a global agricultural innovator based in Melbourne, Australia. The collaboration is aimed at addressing the escalating threat of weeds to crop harvests through the development of a new herbicide solution.

Moa Technology has made significant strides in discovering new classes of herbicides through its innovative platform, which is currently undergoing field trials in several countries. This partnership provides Nufarm with exclusive access to one of these new mode of action products. It is anticipated that the herbicide will offer a safe and effective weed management solution, meeting the growing demand from farmers for innovative approaches to crop protection.

In exchange for this collaboration, Moa will receive upfront payments, milestone development payments, and eventual royalties from herbicide sales. The potential of this herbicide is evident as it could be the first broad spectrum agricultural herbicide to operate in a completely different way in forty years. Additionally, Nufarm will have the option to commercialise other compounds from the same mode of action area, further enriching the partnership.

The partnership outlines that Moa and Nufarm will jointly oversee the research phase. This stage is expected to span two years, at the end of which Nufarm will lead the final phases of development and go-to-market efforts. This strategic agreement holds promise for both companies as they work towards the development and commercialisation of new herbicidal modes of action.

Dr. Virginia Corless, CEO of Moa Technology, expressed her enthusiasm for this partnership, stating that it validates the company’s unique capability to find and optimise new herbicidal modes of action. She also emphasised the importance of collaborating with forward-looking partners, such as Nufarm, who share a vision for sustainable agriculture.

Nufarm’s Group Executive Portfolio Solutions, Rico Christensen, highlighted the significance of the collaboration in addressing the challenge of resistant weeds, which incur substantial costs for farmers annually. He emphasized Nufarm’s commitment to transforming agriculture through innovative solutions and acknowledged the agreement with Moa as an important milestone in achieving this goal.

The collaboration between Moa Technology and Nufarm signifies a strategic effort to combat the challenges faced by the agricultural industry. The combined expertise of both companies holds promise for the development of groundbreaking herbicide solutions. Through research and commercialisation efforts, this partnership sets a precedent for innovative and sustainable approaches to crop protection.