Taking Control of Stress and Anxiety in the Service Department

2 min read

In a recent edition of the “FWRD: An EasyCare Podcast,” Joshua Taylor, the host of the “Wrench Turners Podcast” and author of “Wrench Turners Wellness Survey,” imparted valuable insights on how to combat stress and anxiety in the service department. Taylor underscored the significance of intentional breathing as a powerful tool to manage the adverse effects of stress and anxiety.

Stress and anxiety, as per Taylor, prompt the release of cortisol in the body. To counteract these unfavourable effects, intentional breathing can prove remarkably effective. He accentuated a specific breathing technique involving an eight-second inhalation, an eight-second hold, an eight-second exhalation, and repetition of this process eight times, summing up to 192 seconds of focused effort. This deliberate approach can assist in bringing the body down from a heightened state of anxiety and stress, furnishing a sense of control in overwhelming circumstances.

Taylor elucidated that the efficacy of this breathing technique lies in its capability to hold individuals accountable through the act of counting. By engaging in a physical and mental activity concurrently, it becomes arduous for the body to concentrate on anything else. This process effectively redirects attention away from external stimuli, allowing individuals to release unwanted chemicals and diminish mental stress.

Moreover, Taylor highlighted that intentional breathing significantly augments the oxygen levels in the blood, aiding in the elimination of cortisol and other stress-related compounds from the body. By concentrating on intentional breathing, individuals can alleviate the burden of excessive mental stress, as the deliberate act of breathing demands their full attention, leaving no room for additional stressors to dominate their thoughts.

Regardless of age, Taylor emphasised that intentional breathing should be the primary response to any negative mindset, including stress and anxiety. By consciously directing attention towards breathing, individuals can assert control over their mental and physical well-being, effectively combatting the detrimental effects of stress and anxiety.

To conclude, Joshua Taylor’s insights on handling stress and anxiety in the service department illuminate the transformative power of intentional breathing. By integrating intentional breathing techniques into everyday routines, individuals can actively manage their stress levels and retain a sense of control in challenging environments.

Do you possess your own effective stress-relief strategies to impart? We would be delighted to receive your contributions. Send in your thoughts and opinions, and your letter may be featured in print.