The Impact of Lifestyle Choices on Cancer Mortality

2 min read

A recent report issued by the American Cancer Society has illuminated the substantial impact of lifestyle choices on cancer mortality. According to the findings, a remarkable 50% of cancer deaths can be linked to just six adjustable factors. These factors consist of smoking, excessive body weight, physical inactivity, alcohol consumption, poor nutrition, and prolonged exposure to the sun.

The report also underscores the significance of other elements such as secondhand smoke, consumption of red meat, HPV from unprotected sexual activity, and insufficient intake of calcium in contributing to cancer data. Recent statistics from the UK further emphasize the adverse effects of smoking, with a notable 17% increase in smoking-related cancer cases since 2003. Liver, throat, and kidney cancers have experienced the most substantial surges, doubling in the last two decades.

Dr. Farhad Islami, the author of the report, highlights the value of lifestyle modifications in reducing cancer risks. He emphasizes the need for interventions to help maintain a healthy body weight and diet, as these can significantly decrease the incidence of cancer cases and deaths. Obesity, in particular, has been correlated with an elevated risk of various cancers, including colorectal, breast, uterine, oesophageal, kidney, and pancreatic cancer, owing to its impact on cell structure and hormonal disruption.

The report also discloses that out of the 262,120 cancer deaths in the USA in 2019, 169,810 were due to cigarette smoking, 43,520 were attributed to being overweight, and alcohol was responsible for 24,410 deaths. Furthermore, the use of the HPV vaccine is recommended as a preventive measure against cervical, throat, mouth, and anal cancer, considering the risks associated with HPV contracted through unprotected sexual activity.

In conclusion, the report highlights the significant influence of lifestyle choices on cancer mortality. Embracing a healthier lifestyle that entails giving up smoking, maintaining a healthy body weight, and adhering to a balanced diet can play a pivotal role in reducing the burden of cancer. These findings serve as a stark reminder of the importance of making informed choices regarding our health and well-being.