Broadening Perspectives: Beyond Finance for Prosperity

The Advisory Council for the Environment and Infrastructure, known as the Raad voor de leefomgeving en Infrastructure (Rli), has highlighted the necessity for the government to redefine its approach to ‘prosperity’. The council has urged the government to consider prosperity from a more expansive perspective, rather than solely concentrating on financial aspects.

According to the Rli, the experience of prosperity is not solely reliant on financial well-being, but also on the quality of life in various facets. These facets encompass having appropriate housing, safety in residential areas, clean air, access to clean water, quality education, and effective healthcare services.

The Rli has also emphasised that the current situation in the Netherlands does not adequately reflect the holistic prosperity of its citizens. Increasing pressures on available space, declining quality of nature and the environment, and social cohesion have become pressing issues that require attention.

In response to these challenges, the council has proposed that the government needs to adopt a different decision-making approach. It has stressed the importance of considering the wider impact of policy measures on broad prosperity. The Rli has suggested that this conscientious approach will result in better decisions, which are currently lacking within the government.

Furthermore, the Rli has stated that a long-term perspective is essential for promoting ‘broad prosperity.’ It has urged the government to evaluate not only the short-term effects, but also the long-term implications of its decisions. Additionally, the council has recommended considering the impact of measures taken within the country and in other parts of the world. To support this approach, the council has proposed the allocation of a budget specifically for the non-financial aspects of prosperity.

While acknowledging the challenges of implementing such a significant shift in approach, the council has suggested concrete steps that the government can take. This includes gathering comprehensive information on all relevant themes related to broad prosperity and using that information systematically and purposefully.

In conclusion, the Rli has emphasised the necessity of a substantial cultural change to achieve broad prosperity. The council’s recommendations underscore the critical need for a more holistic and inclusive approach to prosperity beyond financial considerations.

This report was prepared based on information from the ANP.