How Michael Aram Built a Global Luxury Brand from Scratch

3 min read

Michael Aram, the founder of the eponymous luxury home and jewellery brand, did not initially set out with grand entrepreneurial ambitions. In fact, he commenced his business with a modest $2,000 and an uncertain future. However, his brand has since become a global success, to the extent of being honoured by a gift to the Pope.

In the year 1989, Aram resided in New York City and was employed at the Metropolitan Museum of Art, engaging in design work during the day and painting during the evenings. It was during this time that a visit to friends in New Delhi, India unveiled the world of metalworking and local craftsmanship that would alter the trajectory of his life indefinitely.

Despite lacking any prior experience in metalwork, Aram resolved to acquire the skill and crafted a collection of five pieces, which he then brought back to New York. While some of his acquaintances encouraged him to sell his work, others were unconvinced, particularly in an era dominated by brushed metal and industrial aesthetics. However, Aram chose to take the risk and ultimately secured significant orders subsequent to exhibiting his work at a design show in New York.

Faced with an order for 16,000 cutlery sets, Aram required funds to bring his designs to fruition. His parents provided backing in the form of a loan, and from that point onward, the business was never obliged to seek external funding. Presently, Aram’s luxury brand not only commands a loyal following among high-profile clientele such as the English royal family and the Pope, but also maintains successful partnerships with distinguished retailers and operates flagship stores in several locations.

Despite the global recognition of his business, Aram remains committed to his unorthodox approach to entrepreneurship. He manages his business in a traditional manner, preferring to maintain direct ownership and oversight rather than relying on external partners and leverage. This method has evidently proven successful, as he continues to operate his entirely foreign-owned company from India, which he regards as the core of his business.

Aram’s triumph is a testament to the notion that entrepreneurship is not confined to individuals possessing business qualifications or substantial financial resources. He attributes much of his success to his willingness to persevere in the face of adversity, even in times of uncertainty. He believes that this spirit of resilience and determination remains relevant today, particularly with the emergence of online platforms such as Etsy, Amazon, and Facebook Marketplace, which have opened new opportunities for aspiring entrepreneurs.

In conclusion, Michael Aram’s odyssey from a modest New York studio to a global luxury brand serves as an inspiring illustration of how anyone, irrespective of background or circumstances, can become an entrepreneur. His readiness to confront ignorance and take risks, coupled with his commitment to creating timeless and exquisite products, has solidified his status as a genuine success story in the realm of entrepreneurship.