The Importance of Seeking External Funding for SMEs in the UK

A recent survey conducted by Novuna Business Cash Flow has illuminated the financial challenges confronting small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) in the United Kingdom. The survey, encompassing 500 SMEs, unveiled that an alarming 33% of these businesses are in immediate need of financial assistance within the next year to sustain their operations. This underscores the critical necessity for SMEs to investigate alternative funding options beyond personal borrowing and traditional bank loans.

The survey also highlighted the substantial reliance on personal sources of finance among SMEs, with 19% turning to tapping into their personal savings, borrowing from acquaintances, or re-mortgaging properties to meet their financial needs. This underscores the prevalent need for external funding among SMEs and emphasizes the importance of exploring diverse cash flow finance options.

One of the key findings of the survey is that 45% of SMEs are struggling due to delayed payments from clients, leading to adverse effects on their business cash flow. In a country where prompt payments are vital for operational health, these delays pose a significant challenge to SMEs. Despite this, only 2% of SMEs have utilized alternative cash flow financing options such as invoice finance and accounts receivable factoring since November 2023, indicating a possible lack of awareness and understanding of these financial alternatives.

The survey also revealed that 37% of SMEs believe that external funding is more crucial than ever due to worsening economic conditions, with a stark 34% admitting that they would have to close without this essential support. This underscores the urgency for SMEs to have a comprehensive understanding of the various financing options available to them in order to not only survive but also thrive in challenging economic landscapes.

In response to these findings, John Atkinson, Head of Commercial and Strategy at Novuna Business Cash Flow, emphasized the benefits of exploring diverse financing options, particularly cash flow finance. He stressed the critical role that access to business finance plays in sustaining companies, and the variety of options used to stay afloat in challenging times. At Novuna Business Cash Flow, they are committed to helping businesses flourish by easing the pressures of cash flow challenges associated with late or outstanding invoices.

In conclusion, the survey conducted by Novuna Business Cash Flow highlights the pressing need for SMEs to seek external funding to survive and thrive in the current economic climate. It is essential for SMEs to have a good understanding of the diverse financing options available to them in order to navigate the financial challenges they face. It is crucial for SMEs to consider exploring cash flow finance options to alleviate the impact of delayed payments and ensure the sustainability of their operations.