Priscilla Presley Takes Legal Action Against Former Business Associates for Financial Elder Abuse

Priscilla Presley has initiated legal proceedings against four individuals, among them memorabilia auctioneer Brigitte Kruse, on grounds of alleged financial elder abuse and fraud, asserting that they deceived her to the extent of exceeding $1 million. The grievance, lodged in Los Angeles, contends that Presley was coerced into an exploitative agreement that necessitated her to work so that the defendants could lay claim to the bulk of her forthcoming earnings.

The lawsuit depicts Kruse as a “con-artist and pathological liar” who purportedly embezzled over $1 million from Presley and induced her into executing contracts that conferred upon the defendants 80 percent of her income. According to Presley’s legal representative, Martin Singer, the defendants meticulously schemed to prey upon an older lady, cultivating her trust and isolating her from crucial individuals in her life, all the while intending to deplete her financial resources.

In response to the lawsuit, Kruse and her legal team have underscored that they have not been in receipt of a copy of the filing and have communicated a lack of response from Presley’s legal counsel. Nevertheless, they have previously filed a lawsuit against Presley for breach of contract in Florida, asserting that she unilaterally terminated their partnership in the wake of personal tragedy subsequent to her daughter’s demise.

Presley’s complaint asserts that Kruse ingratiated herself into her life, inundating her with frequent messages and professing admiration for her, ultimately persuading Presley to sever ties with her former advisors and enabling Kruse and her associates to manipulate her finances. They allegedly made excessive payments to themselves from Presley’s accounts, imposed unwarranted fees, and diverted her accounts to their preferred banks. Additionally, they purportedly coerced Presley into covering the mortgage for a property owned by Kruse’s husband.

Moreover, the lawsuit maintains that Kruse and her associates scuttled a prospective deal that would have conferred Presley an ownership stake in a cosmetics company, electing instead for a one-time payment. The defendants then purportedly portrayed themselves as victims by initiating legal proceedings against Presley in Florida through several sham companies they had created.

In view of these assertions, Presley is seeking general damages in excess of $1 million, punitive damages, and reimbursement for attorney’s fees. She is also pursuing the annulment of the agreements that were purportedly induced by fraud, with the intention of regaining control of her finances and amending the personal relationships that were detrimentally impacted by the actions of the defendants.

As Priscilla Presley takes a resolute stance against financial elder abuse, her case underscores the importance of safeguarding vulnerable individuals from exploitative and deceptive practices. The lawsuit serves as a reminder that elder abuse can manifest in various forms, including financial manipulation, and underscores the necessity for legal recourse to protect the rights and assets of elderly individuals.