The Coleham Tap, formerly known as the Crown, has recently undergone a remarkable transformation. Situated in the charming district of Coleham, Shrewsbury, this riverside pub now features a new name and an updated, inviting look. Its change in management and refurbishment have set the stage for a fresh beginning aimed at creating a welcoming space for patrons of all ages.
In 2020, Luke Jenkins and Simon Perks took over the establishment with a clear vision in mind. Their goal was to breathe new life into the struggling pub, which had previously been centred solely around sports and had experienced some difficulties. The duo sought to transform it into a beloved community venue, complete with delectable food, a pleasant atmosphere, and friendly staff. Their efforts have not gone unnoticed, particularly in a tight-knit area like Coleham.
There are numerous elements that can elevate a pub’s popularity, including its location, aesthetic, service, and beverage options. The Coleham Tap seems to have hit the mark on all fronts. Nestled alongside the picturesque River Severn, the pub boasts a stunning view that adds to its charm. The recent overhaul serves as a testament to the owners’ dedication to creating an inclusive environment suited for individuals of all generations.
This revitalisation is a testament to the potential for positive change within the local community when determined individuals take the reins. As a result, the Coleham Tap has evolved into much more than just a place for a casual drink. It now stands as a symbol of revitalisation and inclusivity, inviting individuals of all ages to come together and create lasting memories in a refreshed and inviting space.