Northern Michigan University is presently hosting a summer day camp for young girls known as Camp Infinity, with the objective of introducing girls in 5th through 8th grades to the fundamentals of computer programming and internet technology. The Michigan Council of Women in Technology is responsible for organizing the camp, which is part of a series of week-long sessions being conducted at 10 colleges across the state, marking the first time such an initiative has been held in the Upper Peninsula.
According to Camp Director Christina King, the girls-only approach of Camp Infinity offers a distinctive opportunity for the participants to have greater control and ownership of their learning. She emphasizes that this setting allows the girls to fully concentrate on their interests in technology without being overshadowed by the boys’ interests, enabling them to fully take advantage of the program which is tailored specifically to them.
The overarching goal of Camp Infinity, as outlined by organizer Katina Clouter, is to inspire and motivate more girls to pursue careers in the technology sector. The Michigan Council of Women in Technology is dedicated to making Michigan the premier state in technology and is committed to achieving this by offering programs that specifically target and engage young girls, igniting their interest and passion for technology.
The week’s schedule at the camp includes an insightful panel discussion featuring female professionals currently working in the tech industry, providing the campers with the opportunity to interact with and learn from successful women in the field. The camp will conclude with the girls presenting their learning and achievements in a Friday presentation, allowing them to demonstrate the practical skills they have acquired during their time at Camp Infinity.
In conclusion, the girls-only Camp Infinity at Northern Michigan University not only provides a valuable learning experience, but also serves as a platform for girls to explore their interests in technology and robotics in a supportive and empowering environment. With the relentless efforts of organizations such as the Michigan Council of Women in Technology, Michigan is making significant progress towards becoming a leading state in the tech industry, with a clear focus on inspiring and nurturing the next generation of female tech leaders.