5 Effective Exercises for Maintaining Healthy Shoulders

3 min read

When considering training for your shoulders at the gym, the typical exercises that come to mind are dumbbell military presses, lateral raises, and barbell overhead presses. While these exercises are important, focusing solely on lifting heavy weights with these movements can lead to joint problems over time. It is important to recognize that shoulder health does not always equate to shoulder strength.

The shoulder is a complex mechanism that extends from the midline of the body across the arm, and many gym exercises activate the shoulders in some way. David Otey, C.S.C.S, a member of the MH Advisory Board, emphasizes that in order to achieve strength, it is essential to have healthy shoulders. He emphasizes the importance of moving the arm with proper shoulder rhythm to maintain muscle strength while preserving joint health.

To improve shoulder health and enhance gains, fitness director Ebenezer Samuel, C.S.C.S, and Otey demonstrate five essential exercises.

The Front Rack Carry involves walking smoothly with a focus on controlling the shoulder blades. It is crucial to maintain awareness of the shoulder blades’ squeeze throughout the movement, especially when supporting weights in the front rack position. This exercise teaches good torso positioning, contributing to long-term shoulder health.

The Arm Bar exercise is essential for improving stability, as it involves keeping the arm still while your body moves around it. The goal is not to focus on how heavy a kettlebell you can hold, but rather on achieving stability and freely moving the joint in a comfortable manner. This exercise can also be used as a warm-up to prepare the body for a shoulder or upper body workout.

Maintaining a healthy back is crucial for shoulder health. The Chest-Supported Row exercise targets the mid-back and rear deltoids, strengthening the back muscles required to pull the shoulders back. With the chest supported, momentum is minimized, allowing for heavier weights to be used.

Slowing down the lowering portion of the Overhead Press with Eccentric Focus exercise allows for a better understanding of the proper elbow position and alignment through the spine. Activating the abs and glutes ensures proper form during this exercise. Lowering down for three to four seconds maximizes the benefits of the movement.

Incorporating external rotation and scapular retraction, the Face Pull movement is an excellent warm-up for the shoulders and mid-back. Focus on external rotation and pulling the shoulder blades together, keeping the weight light to prioritize activation over muscle building.

In conclusion, incorporating these exercises into your shoulder day routine can significantly improve shoulder health, leading to better gains in the long run.

I credit Cori Ritchey, NASM-CPT, and Brett Williams, NASM-CPT, for their contribution as Associate Health & Fitness Editor and Senior Editor, respectively, at Men’s Health. Their expertise and certification bring credibility to their recommendations.

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