Unleashing the Potential of Young Entrepreneurs: RSF Kids’ Business Fair Set to Take Place at Rowe School

2 min read

The forthcoming Saturday will mark the resurgence of the Rancho Santa Fe Children’s Business Fair, at which over 35 youthful entrepreneurs aged 6 to 14 will present their wares and services to the public. Hosted by R. Roger Rowe School, this event is geared towards offering a platform for young innovators to cultivate their creativity and resilience while gaining insight into the workings of business.

The fair is expected to be a lively and dynamic occasion, showcasing a diverse array of stalls offering a variety of products and gifts, including environmentally friendly items, baked goods, 3D printed toys, and more. To enhance the festive ambience, the event will boast its own DJ, none other than R. Roger Rowe’s very own Harrison Stevens, professionally known as DJ Moses S.

These youthful entrepreneurs have gone above and beyond, from conceptualizing their products and establishing brands to formulating marketing strategies. Their tireless efforts and unwavering commitment will be on full display as they engage with customers and oversee sales at the event. What is particularly inspiring is that many of these emerging business owners are making a positive impact beyond financial gains – some are allocating a portion of their earnings to support charitable causes, such as aiding children with special needs and contributing to transitional homes for women.

The fair would not have been possible without the dedicated efforts of event organizer Joanna Dubbeldam, a staunch advocate for imparting practical business knowledge to youngsters through engaging and enjoyable experiences. Her sentiments encapsulate the true essence of the event, as she highlights the passion and dedication demonstrated by these young entrepreneurs.

For those seeking further details about the fair, additional information can be obtained by visiting www.childrensbusinessfair.org/ranchosantafe-ca or by contacting Joanna Dubbeldam directly at 619-636-0609 or [email protected]. This presents an opportunity to witness the next cohort of business leaders in action and to bolster their entrepreneurial spirit.

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