The Rise of Female Entrepreneurship in Sardinia

2 min read

In Sardinia, there has been a notable increase in businesses led by women, with 23 percent of all businesses on the island being led by women. This signifies a significant growth in the presence of women in the world of work, both in terms of quantity and quality. The female entrepreneurs are dynamic, flexible, innovative, digital, young, and multicultural, bringing a fresh and diverse perspective to the business landscape.

A recent conference titled “Female entrepreneurship, between crisis and rebirth. Tools for development” provided insight into this emerging trend. The event, organized by the Female Entrepreneurship Committee of the Cagliari – Oristano Chamber of Commerce, brought together prominent figures from the world of work and business, as well as experts from the University and gender policies. The discussion highlighted the preference of Sardinian women for self-entrepreneurship and self-employment, which are seen as more conducive to achieving a work-life balance.

Speaking at the conference, Daniela Schirru, president of Cif, emphasized the increasing presence of women in the Sardinian business landscape. She noted that women are significantly involved in personal services, social assistance, clothing and footwear, catering, agriculture, and culture. Despite this progress, Schirru acknowledged that there is still work to be done in promoting social change and fostering an entrepreneurial culture among women.

The small-scale nature of Sardinian businesses has made it easier for women-owned enterprises to thrive on the island. Furthermore, the rise of female entrepreneurship is considered a crucial indicator in the broader issue of achieving gender equality. The commitment to creating a stable network between institutions, subject matter experts, and trade associations was highlighted as a key strategy for further advancing the role of women in entrepreneurship.

In conclusion, the increasing number of female-led businesses in Sardinia reflects a positive shift in the economic and social fabric of the island. The innovative and entrepreneurial spirit of Sardinian women is contributing to the diversification and advancement of the business landscape, setting the stage for continued growth and success in the future. This is an inspiring development that underscores the valuable contributions of women in the business world and serves as a testament to the resilience and creativity of female entrepreneurs on the island of Sardinia.

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