The Many Attractions of Western Australia for Migrants Seeking a Better Work-Life Balance

2 min read

In Western Australia, migrants are increasingly choosing to settle in regional areas, attracted by the promise of job security and an exceptional quality of life. Individuals like Rachel Thompson, who hails from the UK, made the decision to move with her family six years ago and have since found contentment in the rural town of Perenjori.

The Thompsons are just one example of a larger trend – in Perenjori alone, the percentage of overseas-born residents has notably increased from 26% in 2011 to a substantial 43% in 2021, as reported by recent census data. This demographic shift highlights the allure of regional areas, where migrants from various backgrounds come together to create a diverse and supportive community.

On the other hand, in towns such as Bruce Rock, the majority of residents are born in Australia, yet the welcoming nature of the local community is evident. This was notably demonstrated in the warm reception received by Kushwan Singh, who left India in search of a quieter, rural lifestyle. Having settled in Bruce Rock, Singh and his partner have established a supermarket and hardware store, receiving enthusiastic support from the local population, with volunteers offering assistance as they embark on their new business venture.

The primary draw for migrants to regional WA is attributed to a combination of employment opportunities and the promise of a comfortable lifestyle, as highlighted by Professor Amanda Davies, a demography specialist at the University of Western Australia. According to her, the robust job market in regional areas, coupled with the secure and balanced lifestyle they provide, are significant factors.

Professor Davies notes that while there has been population change in regional areas, it should not be interpreted as a decline. Instead, there has been a restructure, with individuals relocating to regional centres at specific stages in their lives. She explains that Australians often move to these areas for their children’s education or post-retirement, while migrants are more inclined to embrace the opportunities available in regional living.

It is thus evident that regional Western Australia is increasingly becoming a preferred destination for migrants in pursuit of stable and fulfilling lives. The blend of different cultures and the strong sense of community cultivated in these areas are emblematic of the unique charm and appeal of regional living down under.

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