Celebrating 20 Years of Social Entrepreneurship Innovation and Impact

3 min read

The 20th Annual Social Entrepreneurship Conference, jointly hosted by IMD and the University of Southern California Marshall School of Business, is scheduled to take place from 18-20 April 2024 at the IMD campus in Lausanne, Switzerland. This esteemed global research conference, marking two decades of collaborative efforts, aims to convene scholars, practitioners, and students with a vested interest in social enterprise, innovation, sustainability, and impact. The event provides a unique opportunity to listen to distinguished speakers, participate in panel discussions, and present cutting-edge research in the field of social entrepreneurship.

Authors interested in presenting their papers or leading a panel at the conference are required to electronically submit a three-page abstract along with references by Thursday, February 1, 2024. The selection process for abstracts will conclude by February 15, 2024, after which successful authors will be invited to submit a full paper by March 22, 2024.

The conference will feature keynote addresses from notable speakers, including Rachida Justo (IE Business School), Kai Hockerts (Copenhagen Business School), Johanna Mair (Hertie School of Governance & Stanford University), and a panel of esteemed social entrepreneurship experts.

The early-bird registration deadline is February 26, 2024, at a rate of CHF 600. Subsequently, the standard rate will be CHF 700, with a special reduced rate of CHF 250 for PhD students. Furthermore, the organisers are offering 10 slots at a special price for authors of accepted papers who may face cost-related barriers to attendance.

This year’s paper presentations and panel discussions will explore a wide array of themes, including social entrepreneurship processes, organizational forms of social enterprises, scaling challenges, impact measurement, and emerging trends in social entrepreneurship education. Moreover, the conference aims to deliberate on research challenges in social entrepreneurship and seeks proposals for expert panel sessions to enrich the discourse.

Over the past 19 years, the Annual Social Entrepreneurship Conference has had the privilege of hosting esteemed keynote speakers and scholars, including Nobel laureates, thought leaders, and social entrepreneurs. This year, the conference will continue this legacy by featuring a diverse and esteemed lineup of speakers.

Attendees planning their trip to Lausanne are encouraged to consider lodging options in the vicinity to ensure a comfortable and seamless experience during the conference. The prestigious IMD Business School is situated in the heart of Lausanne, providing attendees with convenient access to the conference venue and the city’s allure.

In conclusion, the 20th Annual Social Entrepreneurship Conference promises to be an enlightening and enriching event, uniting a diverse and accomplished group of individuals to deliberate on the most critical topics, concepts, and themes in social entrepreneurship, social enterprise, social innovation, sustainability, and impact. If you are impassioned about social entrepreneurship and are keen on contributing to the ongoing development of theory and research in this field, this conference provides an ideal platform to engage in meaningful conversations and network with like-minded individuals.

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