The Road to Equality: Automotive 30% Club Making Strides Towards Gender Equality

The Automotive 30% Club is pleased to announce that it is making strong progress towards achieving its objective of ensuring that 30% of key leadership or decision-making positions are occupied by diverse women by 2030, with current figures indicating a 27% representation. This means the club is just three percentage points away from reaching its target, with six years remaining until the deadline.

Julia Muir, the founder of the club, has revealed that 41% of participating companies have already met or exceeded the 30% goal. Furthermore, female representation in membership has risen to 29% of the total workforce, marking a significant increase compared to the industry average of 19.8% according to the latest SMMT figures.

The 30% target is based on the premise that once the minority within a group reaches 30%, their perspectives and views will be more readily integrated by the majority, leading to the benefits of gender balance taking effect.

The club recently released results from a female representation survey conducted in September, with a 96% response rate from 64 member companies. The survey revealed that the finance and leasing sector leads with the highest female representation in key leadership and decision-making roles at 37%, followed by a combined category of ‘Others’ at 33%, manufacturers at 24%, and dealerships at 23.5%.

Julia Muir expressed her enthusiasm for the progress made, stating, “It’s fantastic that so many of our members are already at 30% six years before our target date of 2030. It’s encouraging to see these companies collaborating and sharing best practice, taking an inclusive and meritocratic approach where people are thriving irrespective of their gender. I’m very confident that all these members will achieve the club’s 30 by 30 goal.”

Muir also highlighted areas that still need improvement, with the board and operating committee having the lowest female representation at 20% and 22% respectively. However, she noted that there is an impressive 28% female representation at the direct reports level, indicating proactive efforts to ensure that female talent is not lost from the sector or excluded from the top team in the future.

In a recent announcement, the club revealed the 17 winners of this year’s Inspiring Automotive Women award, further highlighting the progress and accomplishments of women in the automotive industry.

The Automotive 30% Club is making significant strides towards gender equality within the sector, and its efforts are being recognized. As we continue to progress, it is essential for companies to strive towards creating an inclusive and diverse environment where individuals can thrive based on their skills and abilities, regardless of gender. Let’s celebrate the progress made and look forward to achieving even greater equality in the years to come.

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