Empowering Women: Launch of New Entrepreneurship Project to Benefit 30 Female Entrepreneurs

2 min read

In order to empower women and combat high levels of unemployment and poverty in specific communities, the Realise, Embrace, Achieve Your Purpose (R.E.A.P) Women Entrepreneurship Project 2024 has been inaugurated. This venture, led by the non-profit organisation Young Women of Purpose (YWOP)/Young Men of Purpose (YMOP), aims to offer business skills training and support to thirty female entrepreneurs in Kingston and Portmore.

Under this programme, the recipients will be provided with entrepreneurship training, business coaching, mentoring, and financial support of up to £3 million. The primary objective is to equip these women with the skills and knowledge needed to establish or formalise their businesses, thus promoting economic empowerment within their communities.

At the launch event held at the Planning Institute of Jamaica (PIOJ) in New Kingston, Senator the Hon. Aubyn Hill, Minister of Industry, Investment and Commerce, commended the initiative and emphasised its significance in contributing to the development of the local micro, small, and medium-sized enterprise (MSME) sector. He praised the efforts of Young Women and Young Men of Purpose, funded by the PriceSmart Foundation, in creating opportunities for young women in the targeted communities.

Lanisia Rhoden, Founder/Executive Director of YWOP/YMOP, highlighted that the project will encompass training modules on entrepreneurship, business management, marketing, accounting, and health and wellness for entrepreneurs. Furthermore, the entrepreneurs will receive guidance on creating a business model canvas and how to pitch for grant funding. Additional workshops will also be provided by agencies and organisations such as the Companies Office of Jamaica, the Jamaica Intellectual Property Office (JIPO), and Vision 2030, among others.

Dr. Bridgette Barrett, a consultant with the PriceSmart Foundation, outlined the organisation’s dedication to transforming lives and communities through the R.E.A.P project. While the initial phase will target communities in Kingston and Portmore, there are plans to expand the reach of the initiative. The Foundation aims to invest in youth development, economic opportunities, and community and environmental resilience, ultimately supporting and strengthening communities.

With the R.E.A.P Women Entrepreneurship Project, the PriceSmart Foundation is poised to provide valuable assistance to female entrepreneurs, fostering economic growth and sustainable development. This initiative serves as a testament to the power of community-driven projects in creating positive change and empowering individuals to reach their full potential.

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