Boosting Business with Young Talent: The Power of Apprenticeships

In a recent business breakfast event, The Welsh Wind distillery near Cardigan was lauded for its dedication to integrating young talent into the workforce through apprenticeship programmes. Sally Sellwood, the HR and Marketing Manager at the distillery, eloquently emphasized the positive impact of their apprenticeship initiative, highlighting the value of recruiting individuals who are eager to learn and grow within the business.

Sellwood expressed her enthusiasm for the structure and foundational training that apprenticeships provide, which the distillery has been able to supplement and build upon. She also underscored the opportunity to nurture local talent, creating valuable roles within the community for both young people and career changers. The distillery’s experience with apprenticeships has been overwhelmingly positive, prompting Sellwood to encourage other businesses to consider this route for recruitment, whether to provide on-the-job training for new recruits or to offer an alternative path for school leavers.

One of the key advantages of apprenticeship courses in Wales is that they are fully funded by the Welsh Government, making them accessible to individuals of all ages and abilities. Furthermore, apprentices receive a wage while working towards their accreditation, adding to the appeal of such programmes for both employers and aspiring apprentices.

The business breakfast event, convened by Food & Drink Skills Wales / Sgiliau Bwyd a Diod Cymru, aimed to provide a platform for potential employers to learn from their peers about the benefits of apprenticeships as well as from apprentices who have directly benefited from such schemes. Attendees had the opportunity to engage with training providers to explore the available courses and support, as well as to discuss strategies for attracting the right candidates for their businesses.

Elen Rebeca Jones, Engagement Manager for Food & Drink Skills Wales / Sgiliau Bwyd a Diod Cymru, emphasized the significance of apprenticeships in equipping employers with a skilled workforce and providing individuals with a pathway to secure full-time employment. She highlighted that apprenticeships enable individuals to learn through practical experience, developing skills that are tailored to a specific business, and shared the statistic that 90% of apprentices secure full-time work within a year of completing their apprenticeships, with many choosing to remain with the company where they trained.

The event not only shed light on the positive impact of apprenticeships on the food and drink industry in Wales but also served as a testament to the potential of apprenticeship programmes in driving business growth and fostering local talent.

In conclusion, the success of The Welsh Wind distillery’s apprenticeship initiative serves as a compelling case study for the benefits of integrating young talent into the workforce through structured apprenticeship programmes. The positive outcomes for both the business and the local community underscore the potential of apprenticeships in contributing to economic growth and talent development. As more businesses explore the advantages of apprenticeships, it is evident that these programmes have the capacity to shape a promising future for both employers and individuals pursuing career opportunities in various industries.

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