Darwin’s Oldest Pub Transformed into Esports and Technology Hub

The Victoria Hotel, a longstanding establishment in Darwin, has transitioned into an active esports and technology hub known as “The Array.” This evolution is in line with the goal of supporting the local technology industry and developing emerging talent, thereby making a notable impact on Darwin’s modest yet dedicated esports community.

The founder of The Array, Dylan Bennet, has expressed his enthusiasm for the project, highlighting its vital role in advancing the digital gaming and esports scene in Darwin. The initiative was unveiled as part of the NT government’s Territory Innovation Challenges Program, underscoring their commitment to cultivating a thriving tech ecosystem in the region.

The official opening of The Array featured an international exhibition match between Australia and the Philippines in Tekken 8, a popular fighting game and a heavy-hitter in the esports arena. Mr. Bennett noted that Darwin holds a competitive advantage over other Australian cities due to its proximity to Southeast Asia, where the esports scene is flourishing. This geographical advantage ensures minimal latency when competing against teams in the region, positioning Darwin as a strategic location for esports events.

While the Australian and Philippine players were pitted against each other during the match, they underscored the significance of friendly competition in propelling the growth of esports. They expressed appreciation for the support and camaraderie that such events foster, recognizing their role in nurturing the next generation of esports talent.

Amidst the decline of triple-A studios in Australia, the gaming industry has seen a shift towards smaller independent developers. Despite its challenges, the global video game industry, including esports, continues to yield substantial revenue, surpassing the combined revenues of the film and music industries. Mr. Bennett envisions The Array as a central hub for existing esports organizations in Darwin, offering a platform for skill development and knowledge exchange.

The technology hub features a state-of-the-art classroom environment equipped with cutting-edge technology, providing opportunities for individuals to enhance their expertise in AI, 3D art, and game development. As Darwin’s technology industry continues to burgeon, The Array aims to serve as a unified resource for aspiring tech professionals, fostering an environment for exploration, learning, and collaboration.

The transformation of the Victoria Hotel into The Array signifies a significant stride in fortifying Darwin’s position in the esports and technology landscape. With its strategic focus on nurturing emerging talent and fostering a sense of community, The Array is positioned to become a beacon of innovation and creativity in Australia’s Northern Territory.

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