“Evaluation of Online Education and Virtual Simulation Technology in Dental Education: A Comprehensive Study”

The global COVID-19 pandemic has resulted in significant disruptions to conventional educational practices, prompting a swift shift towards online learning. This transition has also affected medical education, particularly dental education, where practical training and clinical experience are integral components of the curriculum. In response to these challenges, the Nanjing Medical University School of Stomatology in China has introduced a blended learning approach that combines online instruction with virtual reality technology to ensure the continuity and efficacy of dental education.

A recent cross-sectional survey conducted at the university aimed to assess the reception and effectiveness of this blended learning approach among dental educators and students. The study gathered insights from 157 students and 54 teachers through questionnaires and compared the outcomes of students who underwent traditional teaching methods with those who received blended learning incorporating online instruction and virtual reality technology. The survey findings provided valuable insights into the impact of this innovative teaching approach on students’ learning outcomes and overall satisfaction.

The results of the survey indicated that the majority of students expressed satisfaction with the online course and the virtual simulation platform teaching. They lauded the flexibility and accessibility of online learning, with many expressing its benefits in fostering independent learning skills. Furthermore, the virtual operating platform received positive feedback from students, as it delivered a comprehensive and immersive learning experience, enhancing their clinical diagnosis and treatment abilities. While students welcomed the new approach, teachers exhibited more cautious and neutral attitudes towards online teaching, citing concerns about teaching effectiveness and student engagement in virtual classrooms.

In addition to gauging perceptions, the study also compared the performance of students undergoing blended learning with those following traditional teaching methods. The findings revealed that the blended learning approach did not significantly impact overall student performance. While the theoretical scores of students in the blended learning group were marginally higher than those in the traditional teaching group, there was a notable difference in skill operation scores, with the traditional teaching group outperforming the blended learning group.

The study underscored the potential of the blended learning approach to complement traditional teaching methods and enhance students’ learning experiences, particularly in the context of dental education. The integration of game elements in education, also known as “serious games,” and the advancement of virtual simulation technology have opened up new avenues for engaging and effective teaching methods in the field of medical and dental education. However, the study also acknowledged the limitations of virtual simulation in fully replacing hands-on and practical training, highlighting the necessity for a balanced approach that leverages the strengths of both traditional and innovative teaching methods.

To conclude, the study underscored the importance of exploring and adapting new teaching methods in response to the evolving educational landscape, as exemplified by the successful implementation of blended learning involving online instruction and virtual reality technology in dental education. The findings offered valuable insights into the reception and effectiveness of this approach, laying the groundwork for further research and development in educational models for the future.

In summary, the survey provided a comprehensive understanding of the impact of online education and virtual simulation technology on dental education, addressing the challenges and opportunities in the evolving educational landscape. By engaging with students and teachers, the study presented a holistic view of the benefits and limitations of the blended learning approach, contributing to ongoing efforts to enhance the quality and effectiveness of dental education in the digital age.

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