Revolutionizing Floor Cleaning: Tennant Company and Brain Corp’s Exclusive Technology Partnership

Tennant Company, a renowned global leader in redefining the cleaning industry, has forged a collaboration with Brain Corp, an innovative autonomous technology company, in order to drive the advancement of robotic floor cleaning. This exclusive technology agreement is aimed at accelerating the development and adoption of next-generation robotic cleaning solutions, revolutionizing the approach businesses take to maintaining clean spaces.

Drawing on Tennant’s 150-plus year history of producing top-tier cleaning equipment and Brain Corp’s industry-leading AI-enabled AMR cleaning technology, this collaboration is poised to significantly hasten the adoption of robotic cleaning. By harnessing Brain Corp’s state-of-the-art navigation technology, Tennant is preparing to launch the X4 ROVR in the second quarter of 2024, marking the company’s first purpose-built Autonomous Mobile Robot (AMR). This groundbreaking machine is specially designed for operation in smaller spaces and is expected to markedly improve customer return on investment, thus making robotic cleaning more accessible than ever before.

The partnership between Tennant and Brain Corp seeks to diversify the portfolio of robotic floor cleaning solutions, covering a wide variety of cleaning applications and enhancing customers’ return on investment. Through this collaboration, Tennant will offer an all-in-one AMR solution, providing equipment and autonomy services as a bundled package, thus simplifying the purchasing experience for customers and ensuring recurring revenue for Tennant from autonomy services in the future.

David Huml, President and CEO of Tennant Company, expressed his enthusiasm about the partnership, highlighting the significant impact it will have on the industry. He emphasized the role of innovation and customer focus in Tennant’s identity, and how this partnership reaffirms their commitment to delivering true business value through next-generation robotic floor cleaning solutions.

On the other hand, Brain Corp CEO David Pinn shared his vision of creating a world where robots contribute to making people’s lives safer, easier, and more productive. He believes that the expanded partnership with Tennant will play a crucial role in turning this vision into reality.

In a clear demonstration of their commitment to the partnership, Tennant has made a substantial investment of $32 million in Brain Corp, and Fay West, Senior Vice President and Chief Financial Officer at Tennant Company, will join the Brain Corp board of directors. This strategic investment underscores the shared purpose of the companies in elevating productivity and efficiency, while providing essential support for janitorial teams facing labor shortages and overwhelming demand.

In conclusion, the collaboration between Tennant Company and Brain Corp holds great promise for the future of robotic floor cleaning solutions. With a focus on innovation, customer value, and the leveraging of advanced AI-enabled technology, this partnership is poised to redefine the cleaning industry and unlock new possibilities for businesses worldwide.

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