The Incredible Journey of Eric Watson: From Marine Corps to Information Technology Manager

Upon his initial arrival at Syracuse University, Eric Watson had aspirations that diverged from the path he ultimately undertook, leading to a remarkable journey. While initially considering a career in computer science, Watson unearthed his true passion during his time as a student, finding immense value in the strong sense of community cultivated on campus, particularly through the relationships he developed with his fraternity brothers at Omega Psi Phi. This experience instilled in him the significance of teamwork and collaboration, qualities that would prove to be indispensable in his future pursuits.

As the sole child of a single mother, Watson was accustomed to independence from an early age, as he took on the responsibility of looking after himself and the household while his mother devoted herself to making ends meet. Her unyielding work ethic continues to serve as a source of inspiration, shaping his approach to both his personal and professional life.

Although he did not graduate with an original degree in computer science, Watson’s interest gravitated towards the philosophical aspects of the field, resulting in his graduation with a degree in philosophy and a minor in math. It was during his time at the university that he unexpectedly uncovered a tantalizing ambition: to become a U.S. Marine Corps aviator.

A fortuitous encounter with a Marine Corps selection officer at the Schine Student Center sparked a newfound sense of determination within Watson. The opportunity to fly for the Marine Corps presented an exhilarating prospect, capturing his interest with the promise of excitement. The Marine Corps’ offer of a guaranteed flight option further solidified his decision to pursue this new goal.

Following his training, Watson obtained certification as an attack helicopter pilot, operating the AH-1 Cobra to provide close air support for Marine Corps ground forces. His experiences as a pilot enabled him to forge strong connections with the ground units he supported, fostering a deep sense of camaraderie and mutual respect.

After serving in various roles and accruing promotions, Watson eventually transitioned from flying to a position within the Department of Defense, leveraging his background in operations management as a Marine Corps officer to assume the role of an information technology project manager. His military experience equipped him with the leadership skills and strategic mindset essential for finding success in this new career trajectory.

Presently, Watson serves as a project manager for the Consumer Finance Protection Bureau, drawing on his military background to safeguard consumers from predatory practices by financial institutions. His unwavering commitment to protecting others mirrors the dedication he demonstrated during his tenure in the Marine Corps.

Despite his professional responsibilities, Watson maintains a profound connection to Syracuse University and his fellow alumni. His enduring ties to the university have inspired him to establish the Our Time Has Come Eric R. Watson Family Scholarship, aimed at providing critical financial aid and mentorship opportunities for military-connected students.

Watson’s journey epitomizes the profound impact of unexpected turns and the resilience required to navigate new paths. From his early days on campus to his current role in information technology, his story stands as a testament to the transformative power of personal growth and the enduring influence of community.

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