Exploring the Potential of Technology in Revolutionising Recycling and Circularity

In an effort to demonstrate the potential of technology in revolutionizing recycling and advancing circularity, NAFRA and its members have partnered with the International Council of Chemical Associations and the American Chemistry Council’s Responsible Care® program. The primary aim of this initiative is to promote continuous improvement in safe chemicals management and to achieve excellence in environmental, health, safety, and security performance within the global chemical industry.

The collaboration with NAFRA, BSEF, and their members seeks to introduce innovative scanning technology designed to more efficiently scan and separate plastics using a chemical-based hidden “barcode” system, coupled with a unique “reader” to identify these codes. The ultimate goal of this initiative is to enable automated systems to identify plastics branded with the barcode and direct them to the appropriate destination.

It is important to note that the technology for this project has been spearheaded by SMX, with funding provided by NAFRA and BSEF. This project is poised to have a significant impact on plastics recycling by streamlining processes, eliminating unnecessary steps and barriers, as well as expediting the delivery of products to their rightful destinations. All of which will result in reduced time, energy, and resources expended in the distribution chain, ensuring that plastics are processed safely and effectively in line with environmental sustainability goals.

According to a statement from SMX, “This project has the potential to help support plastics recycling by improving efficiencies, removing unnecessary steps and barriers, and helping deliver the products to the right place more quickly. This means less time, energy, and resources spent in the distribution chain, and that plastics are processed safely and effectively in line with our environmental sustainability goals.”

Furthermore, SMX sees this as a significant opportunity to play a crucial role in transitioning base chemical production from a linear model to a more sustainable one, emphasizing that sustainability will be led by the industrial sector.

A closer look at the collaborating organizations reveals that BSEF, The International Bromine Council, is a global representative body for bromine producers and producers of bromine technologies, advocating for the societal benefits of bromine and its applications. On the other hand, NAFRA, the North American Flame-Retardant Alliance, formed by the American Chemistry Council, champions flame-retardant chemicals by promoting their benefits and broadening understanding.

Regarding SMX, the company combines chemistry, physics, and computer science to provide materials with memory and fosters a culture of transparency and trust across multiple industries. Their nearly 100 patents support unique marking, measuring, and tracking technologies that allow for seamless transparency at all levels of development, ensuring that all stakeholders have a complete provenance of material composition and history. This is especially valuable in addressing manufacturing challenges and ESG goals, while supporting sustainable growth.

The insights shared in this article provide a glimpse into the potential future possibilities of technology in enhancing recycling and promoting circularity. This project will undoubtedly play a significant role in shaping the industry’s approach to sustainable practices, driving innovation and efficiency in the pursuit of a more environmentally friendly future.

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