“Inside the Opulent Lifestyle of Crooked House Pub Owners: Glamorous Holidays and Luxury Cars”

Adam and Carly Taylor, proprietors of the distinctive Crooked House pub, have recently gained attention due to the requirement to reconstruct their establishment completely. The pub, known for its unconventional design that created the optical illusion of objects rolling uphill along the bar, was purchased by the Taylors in 2023, only to tragically fall victim to a devastating fire just days later.

In the wake of the pub’s destruction, Mrs. Taylor, who holds the position of director at ATE Farms, has attracted notice for her luxurious lifestyle. Formerly employed as a hairstylist and nail technician, she now lives a life of opulence, indulging in frequent travel, including vacations to exotic destinations such as Dubai and Paris, and possessing a Bentley, indicative of her newfound status.

Moreover, Mrs. Taylor also manages the Sarah Mansfield Country Inn in Willey, Warwickshire, which underwent a significant interior transformation post-acquisition, despite being recognised as a thriving community hub. Furthermore, the couple had deliberated investing in a former quarry to establish a holiday home site, showcasing their prosperous business ventures beyond the ownership of the pub.

Notwithstanding their pursuits, the Taylors have been mandated to reconstruct the Crooked House pub, with an enforcement notice issued by West Midlands Mayor Andy Street, who commended the South Staffordshire District Council for their unwavering commitment to rebuilding the establishment.

In light of the developments, Mr. Street expressed gratitude to the community for its relentless efforts in maintaining the spotlight on the Crooked House, underscoring the impact the group has had on the enforcement of the notice. At present, the Taylors have 30 days to contest the enforcement notice should they choose to do so.

In conclusion, the Taylors’ extravagant lifestyle, property dealings, and business ventures have placed them under public scrutiny in the aftermath of the lamentable incident at the Crooked House. The forthcoming months will be pivotal for the couple as they navigate the process of reconstructing the pub and addressing the enforcement notice to comply with the stipulated deadline.

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