Empowering Women Entrepreneurs: Government Initiatives for Economic Growth

President Ranil Wickremesinghe recently delivered a keynote address at the ‘Prathibha Abhisheka’ Women Entrepreneur Awards 2023, where he underscored the government’s steadfast dedication to fostering female entrepreneurs in line with the nation’s economic transformation. The event, which was organized by the Women’s Chamber of Industry and Commerce (WCIC), took place at the prestigious Colombo Hilton and sought to recognize exceptional female entrepreneurs while bolstering their enterprises and market access.

During his speech, the President emphasized the pivotal role that women entrepreneurs can play in driving the digital and green economy, reaffirming the government’s unwavering commitment to empowering the women business community. He acknowledged the economic challenges that have been encountered in recent years, acknowledging the hardships faced by all, including the business community. Nonetheless, he expressed optimism for economic growth in the year 2024, citing positive growth achieved in the last two quarters of the preceding year.

Additionally, President Wickremesinghe underscored the imperative of fostering an economic environment that is conducive to all, outlining initiatives to fortify the Sri Lankan Rupee, reduce inflation rates, and transition towards a competitive export-oriented economy. He reiterated the government’s commitment to providing extensive support to entrepreneurs, announcing the deferment of the implementation of the Parate Law until the year’s end.

In his address, the President declared, “Women entrepreneurs are making significant contributions to the nation’s economy, and the government is unwavering in its commitment to providing them with the requisite support. We firmly believe that the meticulous advancement of the country’s economy can be realized through the empowerment of women. In this vein, the government has launched a comprehensive program focused on nurturing women entrepreneurs.”

Furthermore, President Wickremesinghe highlighted the increasing involvement of women in businesses of diverse scales, particularly in the tourism sector, and stressed the importance of systematically developing this sector with government backing. Moreover, the government is actively modernizing the agricultural sector and has plans to harness artificial intelligence in the future to meet the growing demand for entrepreneurs in these domains.

Efforts are also underway to confer freehold deeds to secure land rights for approximately 2 million individuals, enabling them to make direct contributions to the modernization of agriculture.

The distinguished attendees at the event included Power and Energy Minister Kanchana Wijesekera, former State Minister Sujeewa Senasinghe, American Ambassador to Sri Lanka Julie Chung, Pakistan High Commissioner Faheem Ul Aziz, President of WCIC Anoji De Silva, CEO of WCIC Chitranjali Dissanayake, and Board Member of WCIC Thusitha Kumarakulasingham.

In conclusion, President Ranil Wickremesinghe’s address underscored the government’s efforts to empower women entrepreneurs and enhance their role in driving the country’s economic growth. The commitment to nurturing female entrepreneurs and cultivating an environment conducive to economic development is pivotal for the sustained prosperity of Sri Lanka.

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