Advancement in UK Automotive Electrification: Bramble Energy Completes APC-Funded Fuel Cell Stack Assembly Project

Bramble Energy, a prominent player in the clean technology and hydrogen fuel cell innovation sector, has reached a significant milestone in steering the transition to electrified automotive industry in the United Kingdom. The successful completion of this project is a result of the funding received from the Advanced Propulsion Centre UK’s Scale-up Readiness Validation (SuRV) program.

Julian Hetherington, the automotive transformation director of APC, has expressed support for pioneering companies such as Bramble Energy, aiming to accelerate the automotive sector’s shift towards a net-zero future. By advancing fuel cell technology, it provides a feasible net-zero transport solution that can scale rapidly and be produced at a lower cost.

The Automotive Transformation Fund, designed to facilitate large-scale industrialization, awarded £1.8m to Bramble Energy in September 2022. This funding aimed to develop an optimized fuel cell stack assembly with the capability to produce up to 2,000 50kW stacks annually. In less than two years, Bramble Energy has accomplished this task at their headquarters and Hydrogen Innovation Hub in Crawley, UK.

The key to this accomplishment lies in Bramble Energy’s Printed Circuit Board Fuel Cell (PCBFC), a patented technology that simplifies the fuel cell stack assembly process by integrating the membrane electrode assembly into unitized PCB modules. This approach not only streamlines production but also demonstrates a clear pathway to achieving a low-cost production target of US$100/kW (£80/kW) at the scale of 2,000 x 50kW stacks/year.

In addition to the success of the SuRV project, Bramble Energy also secured funding for an initiative to deploy fuel cell technology in a new hydrogen-powered double-deck bus. This project, known as the Hydrogen Electric Integrated Drivetrain Initiative (HEIDI), received £6.3m in support from APC, matched by industry contributions totaling £12.7m. Collaborating with partners such as Equipmake, Aeristech, and the University of Bath, this initiative is a testament to Bramble Energy’s commitment to innovation in clean and efficient transportation.

Dr. Tom Mason, CEO of Bramble Energy, emphasized the company’s dedication to providing clean, reliable, and cost-effective solutions to power vehicles in both the automotive and public transport sectors. The projects supported by APC have played a crucial role in enabling internal efficiency development, refining the build process, and creating more flexibility in design.

As the UK government aims to halt new petrol and diesel car sales by 2035, Bramble Energy’s plans are aligned with this vision. However, their focus extends beyond this goal as they strive to create real-world, commercially viable solutions for the wider transportation sector. A significant milestone in this journey is the HEIDI project, which showcases their hydrogen-powered double-deck bus demonstrator.

Bramble Energy’s achievements in advancing fuel cell technology and driving the electrification of automotive and public transport in the UK are a testament to their commitment to sustainable and innovative solutions. This bodes well for the future of clean and efficient transportation in the country.