Liberty Kitchen: Empowering Prisoners for a Fresh Start

2 min read

The establishment of Liberty Kitchen at HMP Pentonville in 2017 has proven to be highly successful, benefiting over 140 men through a 10-week catering and business skills training programme. In addition, thirty prison leavers have secured part-time work on Liberty Kitchen’s street food stalls at markets and events.

The street food menu at Liberty Kitchen revolves around a unique theme – balls. The emphasis on ‘street balls’ has effectively engaged prisoners and prison leavers, enabling them to create their own signature dish. With offerings such as Roman Road meatballs, Mac and Cheese balls, and Kew Garden Veggie Balls, the menu has expanded to include over 90 Liberty Kitchen ball recipes featured at various events.

This initiative plays a significant role in reducing reoffending by providing prison leavers with employment opportunities at markets and events upon release. It acts as a crucial ‘stepping stone’ towards their reintegration into society, offering financial stability and a supportive environment to address their housing, family, and long-term employment needs.

Looking ahead, the goal is to build upon the successes and lessons learned from the programme’s first five years. The vision is to adapt and extend Liberty Kitchen’s training programme to cater to broader groups of men at HMP Pentonville, including tailoring the program to meet the learning needs and aspirations of younger men (aged 18-25 years) and men with neurodiversity. Additionally, there are plans to organize more family days, providing men with the opportunity to cook with their children and families to foster stronger familial bonds.

Outside the prison, the aim is to provide better support to men transitioning from part-time work with Liberty Kitchen to employment with other organizations and companies. To achieve these objectives, Liberty Kitchen requires funding to extend its offerings both inside HMP Pentonville and in providing through the gate support.

The impact of Liberty Kitchen in breaking the cycle of reoffending is clear, and continued support is crucial for its expansion and sustainability. By empowering individuals with essential skills and opportunities, Liberty Kitchen is making a meaningful contribution towards reducing recidivism and supporting the successful reintegration of ex-offenders into society.

It is imperative to support initiatives such as Liberty Kitchen, as they play a vital role in rehabilitating and empowering individuals for a fresh start. The impact of their work extends beyond the individual, positively influencing families and communities as a whole.