How Regular Exercise Helped Me Manage Menopause Symptoms

3 min read

Menopause is a challenging phase in the lives of many women, and I found myself to be no exception to its daunting effects. The symptoms, ranging from hot flushes to mood swings, seemed to indicate a conflict within my body. While the conventional approach would have involved resorting to medication, I made the decision to pursue an alternative route, which ultimately yielded significant positive outcomes.

At the onset of my late thirties, my physician conveyed to me the news of entering premature menopause. This revelation, although not entirely unforeseen given my family history, had a profound impact on me. Suddenly, I was faced with the dual responsibilities of motherhood and menopause, a combination that left me feeling overwhelmed and unprepared. The stress, panic attacks, and mood swings that ensued were all too real, and I sought a solution that did not entail an immediate reliance on prescription drugs.

It was at this juncture that I came to appreciate the transformative potential of exercise. Despite having eschewed it for the better part of my life, a change was forthcoming, and I felt an inexplicable urge to engage in physical activity. I began with the Couch to 5K app and steadily progressed in my running routine. Remarkably, the benefits, both physical and mental, began to outweigh the initial challenges. My mood improved, my stress levels diminished, and I felt a greater sense of strength and resilience. What’s more, I was able to manage my symptoms without the necessity of antidepressants.

A pivotal discovery that astonished me was the finding that regular exercise can be twice as effective as antidepressants. Evidence revealed that engaging in running a few times a week was capable of ameliorating symptoms by 63%, in comparison to the 26% improvement associated with antidepressants. This resonated with me, as I bore witness to the positive impact firsthand. It is truly remarkable to contemplate the significant mental health benefits that can stem from simple physical activity.

Following a detailed discussion of my treatment options with my physician, I ultimately opted to undergo a low dosage of Hormone Replacement Therapy (HRT) to alleviate the hot flushes. While this has had a discernible impact, what truly enhanced the benefits was the integration of regular exercise into my routine. It served to underscore the realization that the right combination of lifestyle changes can indeed make a substantial difference for women experiencing menopause.

Having adhered to my exercise regimen for a number of years, I can confidently assert that it is the primary reason I have not experienced a panic attack in three years. I feel fitter and more energetic than ever before, and I attribute this entirely to my steadfast commitment to running, strength training, and engaging in enjoyable activities with my children. Despite still being in my forties, confronting menopause proactively has enabled me to attain a sense of equilibrium and control in the midst of upheaval. As for the strain of motherhood? Well, that’s a different story altogether.

Therefore, if you find yourself grappling with the challenges of menopause, I recommend considering the adoption of an exercise regimen. It just might prove to be the solution you have been seeking.