Unlocking Potential: Latin America Welcomes Chinese Technology in New-Energy Sector

In an exclusive interview with the Global Times, Héctor Villagrán-Cepeda, former Minister of Transport and Public Works of Ecuador, articulated the readiness of Latin America to engage in cooperation with China in the new-energy sector. Despite the escalating protectionism from the US-led West, Latin America remains receptive to Chinese technology and products, particularly in the field of new-energy vehicles (NEVs).

Villagrán-Cepeda praised the cost-effectiveness of Chinese new-energy solutions and underscored the potential for collaboration between China and Latin American countries. He emphasized the significance of such cooperation in advancing industrial development and fostering knowledge-based economies in the region. According to him, the alliance between China and Latin America in new-energy development is a crucial step towards global peace and mutual understanding.

The former minister emphasized the importance of Chinese technology in the green transformation of Latin America, citing its role in achieving lower energy consumption, reduced pollution, and industrial upgrades. He also highlighted the positive impact of Chinese investments in the region, which have resulted in job creation, industrial capacity development, and technology transfer.

Villagrán-Cepeda further underscored the success of Chinese products, including solar power, wind power, and hydropower, in Latin America. Notably, these technologies have contributed to the region’s sustainable development and are aligned with China’s shift towards high-end, intelligent, and green manufacturing.

With the China-Ecuador Free Trade Agreement coming into effect on May 1, Ecuador is poised to accelerate its green transformation, while also providing opportunities for Chinese companies to expand their global presence.

Overall, the message from Villagrán-Cepeda is clear – Latin America is embracing the potential for collaboration with China in the new-energy sector, and the region is well-positioned to benefit from the technological advancements and cost-effective solutions offered by Chinese enterprises.

As Latin America looks towards a greener and more sustainable future, its partnership with China could play a pivotal role in driving progress and achieving environmental objectives. The willingness of Latin American countries to engage with Chinese technology and products underscores the value of international cooperation in addressing pressing global challenges.