The Future of IT Spending in 2024: An Interview with Ts. Izuddin Abdullah, Head of IT at TNB Integrated Learning

In a private interview with Mr Izuddin Abdullah, the Head of IT at TNB Integrated Learning Solution Sdn Bhd, he shared his insights on the areas where technology leaders will prioritize their spending in 2024 and the technological advancements that excite him for the future. With more than 20 years of extensive experience in the field of IT, with a focus on operations, project management, and mobile solutions, Izuddin assumes responsibility for governance, digital transformation, and information risk management at TNB Integrated Learning Solution Sdn Bhd.

Securing systems and data will be the primary concern for IT leaders in 2024. As cyber threats continue to advance, it is imperative for organizations to enforce strong security measures. The IT infrastructure must be adaptable and dependable in order to meet the evolving needs of the organization. This may entail adopting new technologies and promoting an innovative culture among employees. Providing training and upskilling opportunities for staff is essential to keep pace with the ever-changing IT industry.

Large Language Models (LLMs) are among the exciting technologies that companies can utilize to enhance learning content and delivery. With automated content curation and personalized learning pathways, LLMs can create a more engaging and accessible learning environment. While Generative AI is powerful, it is unlikely to be the sole driving force behind significant IT spending in 2024.

Technology leaders are expected to prioritize investment in cybersecurity to identify and prevent online threats. Implementing digital transformation initiatives and investing in emerging technologies such as AI, machine learning, and big data analytics will also be on the agenda. However, the impact of challenging geopolitical conditions and slow global growth in 2024 may lead organizations to approach their IT budgets with more caution. They may focus on strategies to manage costs, prioritize projects with quick return on investment, and enhance resilience and security measures.

The specific impact on IT budgets in 2024 is expected to vary depending on the industry, geographic location, and the strategic objectives of each organization.

In conclusion, 2024 will witness a significant emphasis on cybersecurity and digital transformation, with a cautious approach to IT spending due to geopolitical and economic uncertainties.

What are your thoughts on the future of IT spending in 2024? We invite you to share your views in the comments.