Revolutionizing Networking Solutions: Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise NaaS Now Available in Singapore

Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise (ALE) has recently expanded its partnerships with ACA Pacific Technology and Exclusive Networks in Singapore to introduce its Network as a Service (NaaS) solutions, signifying a significant move towards driving digital transformation across various industries and markets.

The NaaS model offered by ALE enables customers to procure networking solutions based on OmniSwitches, OmniAccess Steller, and OmniVista Cirrus management platforms, along with a range of value-added services. This strategic initiative aims to simplify and automate network operations, providing consistency in deployment for business partners and customers alike.

Lilian Lam, Exclusive Networks Singapore country manager, conveyed her excitement about the extended partnership with ALE, emphasizing the commitment to delivering NaaS solutions tailored to the diverse needs of customers in Singapore. The agreement allows customers to access the latest network technology and advanced services through a flexible and customizable approach, requiring a low initial investment.

Jyh Chong Tee, ALE Asia Pacific (APAC) vice president of sales and services, underscored the significance of NaaS in the current economic landscape, where organizations are re-evaluating their infrastructure and networks. The NaaS model offers the flexibility and agility needed to adapt to dynamic business demands, facilitating digital transformation without significant upfront expenditures.

Craig Gledhill, CEO of ACA Pacific Technology, also expressed optimism about the collaboration by highlighting the potential of Alcatel-Lucent Enterprise’s NaaS solutions in helping enterprises, regardless of size, achieve innovation at scale. He referenced Singapore’s Budget 2024 as a strategic response to global challenges, underscoring the role of NaaS in delivering innovation and promoting long-term resilience.

This partnership signifies a significant step towards revolutionizing networking solutions in Singapore, with a strong focus on tailoring services to meet the evolving needs of businesses across different sectors. The accessibility and flexibility offered by ALE’s NaaS solutions are anticipated to empower organizations to pursue digital transformation with greater confidence and efficiency.

The availability of ALE’s NaaS solutions through ACA Pacific Technology and Exclusive Networks is set to address the growing demand for innovative networking approaches, ultimately contributing to the advancement of digitalization efforts in Singapore. This collaboration serves as a testament to the commitment of all parties involved in supporting businesses on their journey towards sustainable digital transformation.