AI Technology Adoption in EU Businesses

In 2023, only 8% of European Union enterprises with a workforce of 10 or more incorporated Artificial Intelligence (AI) technologies into their day-to-day operations. This data is sourced from the recently updated Statistics Explained article, which specifically examines the usage of AI in business.

Artificial intelligence, commonly known as AI, encompasses technologies such as text mining, computer vision, speech recognition, natural language generation, machine learning, and deep learning. These technologies are utilized to collect and analyse data, make predictions, provide recommendations, and make decisions to achieve specific objectives.

The countries with the highest percentages of enterprises employing AI technologies in 2023 were Denmark (15.2%), Finland (15.1%), and Luxembourg (14.4%). Conversely, Romania (1.5%), Bulgaria (3.6%), Poland (3.7%), and Hungary (3.7%) recorded the lowest rates of AI technology usage.

The most prevalent type of AI technology utilized by these enterprises in 2023 was the automation of workflows or AI-based software robotic process automation, with 3% of enterprises implementing it. This was followed by the utilization of text mining (2.9%) and machine learning, including deep learning (2.6%).

In addition, other AI technologies used included speech recognition (2.5%), image recognition and processing (2.2%), natural language generation (2.1%), and autonomous robots, self-driving vehicles, and autonomous drones (0.9%).
For more detailed information, reference can be made to the Statistics Explained article on the use of AI in businesses, the thematic section on digital economy and society, the database on digital economy and society, and the 2024 edition of Digitalisation in Europe.

It is essential to note that when referring to ‘enterprises using AI’, we are specifically addressing the following AI technologies:
– Technologies analysing written language (text mining)
– Technologies converting spoken language into a machine-readable format (speech recognition)
– Technologies generating written or spoken language (natural language generation)
– Technologies identifying objects or individuals based on images (image recognition, image processing)
– Machine learning (e.g. deep learning) for data analysis
– Technologies automating workflows or aiding in decision-making (AI-based software robotic process automation)
– Technologies facilitating physical movement of machines through autonomous decisions based on environmental observation (autonomous robots, self-driving vehicles, autonomous drones)

France and Sweden have experienced a break in the time series due to the implementation of the statistical unit enterprise.

The data stems from the 2023 EU survey on ICT usage and e-commerce in enterprises, encompassing all enterprises with a minimum of 10 employees or self-employed individuals. Further details on the survey’s methodology can be accessed here.

It is to be noted that EU enterprises are classified as those with at least 10 employees and self-employed individuals. For any inquiries, please visit our ‘Contact Us’ page.