The Current State of Acquisition Finance in the United Arab Emirates

2 min read

The 12th edition of the International Comparative Legal Guide (ICLG) – Lending & Secured Finance 2024 presents the chapter on the United Arab Emirates (UAE), authored by Partner Alexey Chertov and associates Tomisin Mosuro, Yaroslav Smorodin, and Alexey Pashinskiy. The chapter provides a comprehensive analysis of the acquisition finance trends and developments in the UAE.

According to the esteemed authors, the UAE possesses a vibrant and expanding acquisition finance market, supported by the relevant regulatory bodies in the region. Moreover, there is a concerted effort to enhance and revise laws to align with more established markets worldwide, thus ensuring the UAE’s attractiveness to potential lenders and advancing the nation’s goal of positioning itself as a leading financial hub.

The ICLG – Lending & Secured Finance 2024 guide offers valuable insights into the regulatory framework, market trends, and the overall business environment of acquisition finance in the UAE.

For those seeking a deeper understanding of acquisition finance in the UAE, the complete ICLG guide is available for perusal, noting that a subscription may be necessary to access the full content.

In summarising, the UAE’s acquisition finance market is on a trajectory of growth and development, underpinned by supportive regulatory measures and a commitment to aligning with international standards. As the country continues to enhance its legal and financial infrastructure, it is positioned to sustain its appeal to lenders and solidify its position as a prominent global financial centre.