Lummus Unveils New Renewable Dimethyl Ether Technology

Lummus Technology, a significant influencer in the ethers production sector, has recently unveiled their pioneering renewable dimethyl ether (DME) technology. This announcement reflects the company’s commitment to delivering an eco-friendly, versatile, and cost-efficient solution to address the growing need for sustainable fuels and chemicals.

Ron Venner, Chief Business Officer of Clean Fuels at Lummus Technology, asserts that the company’s extensive commercial expertise in ethers production, encompassing both specialized applications and large-scale production units handling complex feedstocks, has served as the cornerstone for the development of this revolutionary renewable DME technology. The new CDDME technology is capable of processing various methanol types to yield renewable DME, which can be blended for liquefied petroleum gas production or utilized as a hydrogen carrier.

The distinguishing feature of this technology lies in its ability to streamline unit operations, resulting in heightened conversion rates and diminished utility and operating expenses. Consequently, this leads to reduced capital expenditure (CAPEX) and operational expenditure (OPEX), rendering it an appealing option for enterprises seeking sustainable and cost-effective solutions.

This recent unveiling from Lummus Technology heralds a significant breakthrough in the clean fuels industry, offering a viable alternative for industries and enterprises endeavouring to satisfy current and future demands for sustainable fuels and chemicals.

For further information on this cutting-edge renewable dimethyl ether technology, please refer to the online article at: [insert link]