Cycling: A Healthy Lifestyle Choice

In April 2018, the United Nations General Assembly designated June 3 as World Bicycle Day, acknowledging the bicycle as a straightforward, economical, dependable, and environmentally sustainable mode of transportation. This year, the UNESCO Creative Cities Network has taken the initiative to mark this day as an opportunity to advocate for a healthy and active lifestyle through cycling.

The state of Goa has witnessed a resurgence in the popularity of cycling. Amey Kamat, a member of the Panjim Cycling Club, has observed a rise in the usage of geared cycles and the participation in cycling groups. With approximately 200 cyclists in the club and 40 to 50 regular riders, cycling has become a prevalent activity in the region.

Amey Kamat, an enthusiastic cyclist, has shared his personal experience of shedding 15 kilograms and maintaining his health through cycling. He has also highlighted the various community events organized by the cycling group, including biking events for children and long-distance rides for experienced cyclists.

Pramod, another dedicated cyclist, has underscored the transition from using cycling as a form of exercise to engaging in competitive sporting activities, such as partaking in Half Iron Man competitions. He is a member of a group called Fit Swaggers Goa, which challenges participants to complete 500 kilometres every month to promote fitness and encourage cycling for commuting purposes.

An additional noteworthy contributor to the cycling community in Goa is the Xaxti Riders, established by Sameer Nadkarni, with an emphasis on promoting health and happiness through cycling. Sameer has highlighted the group’s daily routine, which encompasses cycling 30-40 kilometres every day and longer distances on Sundays.

The trend of cycling has extended to other areas of Goa, with Ajay Dongre, a cycling enthusiast for over 15 years, highlighting the physical and mental advantages of cycling. He has mentioned the various exploratory rides organized by the Slopes and Bends club, as well as long-distance tours to Mumbai, Kanyakumari, and Sikkim.

In conclusion, cycling serves not only as a mode of transportation but also as a means to advocate for a healthy and active lifestyle. With the growing popularity of cycling in Goa and the plethora of cycling groups and events, it is apparent that more individuals are embracing this sustainable and beneficial form of exercise and transportation.