Introducing Traces: The Ultimate Lighter Calorie Wine for Your Well-being

Traces is a new range of wines specifically crafted to cater to the preferences of individuals seeking a lower-calorie alternative, all without compromising on taste or quality. Developed by DrinkWell, Traces wine has been meticulously designed based on consumer data to accommodate the demands of modern lifestyles and personal well-being.

As the demand for lower-calorie options for alcoholic beverages continues to rise in the UK, Traces presents an ideal solution for those wishing to make more mindful choices in their wine consumption.

The grapes used in Traces wines are cultivated in the sustainable-certified vineyards of the Cotes de Thongue region in the South of France. Harvested in the early hours of the morning to diminish their sugar content, these grapes are picked from Precosé vines two weeks earlier than usual, thereby ensuring a natural winemaking process.

Each variety of Traces wine undergoes a natural reduction to 11% ABV and complete fermentation to eliminate all residual sugar, resulting in a wine that is approximately 30% lower in calories on average. The range comprises of Rosé, Sauvignon Blanc, and Cinsault, each containing just 78 calories per 125ml serving.

Despite their lower calorie content, Traces wines have garnered recognition for their premium quality and innovation within the beverage industry. The Sauvignon Blanc was awarded Bronze by the International Wine Challenge 2023, while the Cinsault also received a ‘Commended’ accolade at the same prestigious awards.

Furthermore, in addition to being lower in calories, Traces wine is environmentally friendly, boasting fully sustainable packaging and being both Vegan and Gluten Free. It has also become the first endorsed wine brand for WW®.

Traces wine is available for purchase on the DrinkWell website and Amazon, with prices starting at £10.99. For additional information, kindly visit their official website or follow @traceswine on Instagram.

Regarding the wine varieties, Traces Rosé offers a succulent blend with red berry fruit characters, striking a perfect balance between fruitiness and refreshing dryness. The Sauvignon Blanc features classic grassy and herbaceous notes, whilst the Cinsault showcases vibrant redcurrant and raspberry fruits, making it an ideal accompaniment to a variety of dishes.

With its unwavering commitment to well-being and innovation, Traces is poised to reshape the way in which individuals indulge in wine, thus making it a favoured choice amongst those who are mindful of their calorie intake and overall lifestyle.

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