How to Embrace Slow Fitness: A Healthier Approach to Exercise

2 min read

In a recent research study, there has been an observed rise in the number of men who are incorporating low-impact ‘slow fitness’ exercises into their fitness regimens. This emerging trend is growing in popularity due to its beneficial effects on both physical and mental well-being. In contrast to the fast-paced, high-intensity workouts that have traditionally dominated the fitness industry, ‘slow fitness’ represents a more mindful and deliberate approach to exercise, prioritizing consistency and technique.

To assist men in integrating ‘slow fitness’ practices into their own routines, Dove Men+Care has collaborated with fitness trainer and wellness advocate, Milo McCloud, to compile five valuable recommendations:

1. Walking: Despite its simplicity, walking can significantly impact overall health. Its benefits include improved circulation, enhanced mood, and mental relaxation. By choosing to walk instead of using public transportation or partaking in leisurely strolls with friends, men can easily incorporate low-impact movement into their daily lives.

2. Yoga and Pilates: These low-impact exercises focus on controlled movements, breathwork, stress reduction, and enhanced focus. They are highly recommended for clearing the mind, reducing stress, and preventing injuries. Yoga enhances flexibility and breathing, while Pilates strengthens the core and posture.

3. Low-intensity Run: Engaging in a relaxed run at a ‘conversational’ pace can be a great way to keep the heart rate low while enjoying the surroundings. This form of exercise also aids in reducing post-workout soreness and facilitating recovery.

4. Nourishment: Prioritizing nutrient-rich foods is important for rebuilding muscles and replenishing energy stores. Lean protein, whole grains, fruits, and vegetables are vital for supporting any form of exercise, whether high or low intensity.

5. Confidence: Regardless of the workout intensity, using a reliable deodorant is essential for feeling fresh and confident during and after physical activity.

As the ‘slow fitness’ trend continues to gain momentum, it is crucial for men to explore various low-impact exercises that can contribute to their overall well-being. By incorporating mindful and deliberate forms of exercise into their routines, men can experience the positive impact of ‘slow fitness’ on both their physical and mental health.