Effect of Technology on Farmers’ Adoption of Sustainable Agricultural Practices in Liaoning Province, China

3 min read

In a recent study, researchers have identified that digital multimedia plays a significant role in influencing farmers’ intention to adopt agricultural green production technology (AGPT) in Liaoning Province, China. The study, which utilized the extended technology acceptance model, sought to explore the impact of digital multimedia on farmers’ adoption of sustainable agricultural practices.

The research findings indicate that the perceived ease of use of digital multimedia significantly enhances farmers’ intentions to adopt AGPT, while perceived risks act as a deterrent. Despite the effectiveness of digital multimedia in promoting AGPT by improving its perceived ease of use and usefulness, its role in mitigating perceived risks was found to be minimal. Consequently, the study recommends that the government enhance the quality of information on digital platforms through the involvement of experts in the field and offer specific digital marketing training to potential users to increase the adoption of sustainable agricultural technologies.

Given the central role of agriculture in the national economy of China, the adoption of sustainable agricultural practices is crucial for the sustainable development of agriculture. The implementation of AGPT varies across countries, and the study focused on farmers growing corn and rice in Liaoning Province, a major grain-producing region in China. The local government’s active promotion of environmentally friendly agricultural practices provides an exemplary context for studying the impact of digital multimedia on the adoption of green technologies.

The use of digital multimedia technologies has revolutionized the methods of conveying information, making educational content more accessible and engaging. The study highlights the increasing use of digital multimedia technologies by agricultural educators to enhance the delivery of modern agricultural knowledge. Similarly, in China, successful cases demonstrate how digital multimedia technology effectively supports family-operated farms, enabling them not only to maintain commercialization and scalability but also to achieve efficient, intensive operations.

In conclusion, the study affirms that digital multimedia has a significant impact on farmers’ adoption of sustainable agricultural practices in Liaoning Province, China. This research contributes to the existing literature by incorporating new variables into the technology acceptance model and providing a more comprehensive understanding of the factors influencing farmers’ decision-making processes regarding AGPT adoption.

Overall, the study offers valuable insights into the role of digital multimedia in promoting sustainable agricultural practices and provides practical implications for guiding policy-makers and practitioners in utilizing digital multimedia to promote sustainable agricultural technology innovation. The findings have the potential to drive positive changes in the agriculture sector in Liaoning Province and beyond.