Amazon Faces Allegations of Violating UK Sanctions by Supplying Facial Recognition Technology to Russia

2 min read

Amazon has been accused of breaching British sanctions on Russia by providing facial recognition technology to the country, as reported by former employee Charles Forrest. The alleged violation pertains to Amazon Web Services’ (AWS) involvement in the “illegal supply of facial recognition technology to the Russian state security services.”

The allegations, initially brought to light by the Financial Times, claim that AWS’ Rekognition facial recognition technology was sold to VisionLabs, a company owned by Russian telecom company MTS. This purported transaction took place in 2020 and was allegedly utilized by authorities in Moscow following Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

Mr. Forrest, who is currently entangled in a legal dispute with Amazon over unfair dismissal, further alleges that Amazon sold the same facial recognition technology to UK police forces despite the company imposing a one-year ban on the practice after the murder of George Floyd.

Amazon has refuted these accusations, asserting that there is no evidence to support the claim that they provided Amazon Rekognition services to VisionLabs. The company has also denied the accusations of unfair dismissal, maintaining that Mr. Forrest was terminated for gross misconduct after refusing to adhere to the required work hours in his contract.

It is critical to note that AWS is Amazon’s cloud computing division and a significant component of the company’s operations. The Rekognition software has stirred controversy, with concerns raised about its potential privacy intrusions. Despite attempts by Amazon shareholders to block its sale, the technology has been employed by US police forces.

VisionLabs’ technology, purportedly including the purchased facial recognition software, has been utilized by transport authorities on the Moscow metro and has reportedly contributed to the suppression of dissent against President Putin. However, a spokesperson for VisionLabs has denied any contractual relationships with Amazon.

The ramifications of these allegations could have extensive implications for Amazon’s operations and its reputation on the global stage. It is imperative for companies to adhere to sanctions imposed by various countries and to conduct business practices that align with ethical and legal standards.

As the legal proceedings continue, the outcome remains uncertain and its impact on Amazon and its reputation is yet to be seen. It is crucial for companies to operate within the bounds of the law and to uphold their responsibilities to both their employees and the countries in which they conduct business.