Revolutionizing Sports Injury Prevention: How Technology is Making a Difference for Young Athletes

2 min read

The world of sports presents both exhilarating and rewarding experiences but also comes with a significant risk of injuries. Among the more than 30 million children engaged in organized sports nationwide, injuries are unfortunately a common occurrence, with over three and a half million children being forced out of participation each year due to injuries. While hard hits and broken bones are common injuries, many sports-related injuries are a result of overuse and incorrect form.

Thankfully, there is hope for young athletes facing these challenges. What was once an exclusive technology reserved only for professional athletes is now accessible to assist young athletes in elevating their performance. 3-D motion capture technology is revolutionizing the approach to preventing and treating sports injuries.

For instance, Quin Brigham, a seasoned baseball player since childhood, developed significant pain in his shoulder and elbow owing to the extensive throwing practice. However, after seeking assistance from athletic trainer Dave Heidloff at Midwest Orthopaedics at Rush Sports Performance Center and using motion capture technology, Quin identified the issue and worked towards improving his throwing mechanics.

This technology utilizes 3-D models to assess 13 different joint measurements in real-time, measures nine different stresses in the shoulder and elbow, and tracks velocity, strength, and balance to reduce the risk of injury and enhance overall performance. Trainers can instantly determine the effectiveness of their interventions and make necessary adjustments.

The results for Quin were transformative. After refining his technique, he is now free of pain and more motivated than ever to pursue his ambition of playing baseball at the college level. Moreover, this technology holds promise in benefiting a wide range of athletes experiencing recurrent pain during sports activities.

The potential of 3-D motion capture technology extends far beyond baseball, offering potential benefits to young athletes across various sports. Whether it is a young football player experiencing shoulder pain or a tennis player with elbow discomfort, this innovative technology provides hope for preventing and treating sports-related injuries.

In a realm where injuries can prematurely halt the promising careers of young athletes, this technology has established a seminal impact. Young athletes like Quin Brigham have been afforded a renewed opportunity to pursue their dreams and excel in their chosen sports, thanks to advancements in sports injury prevention technology. As more young athletes gain access to these state-of-the-art tools, the future of sports appears brighter than ever.